Loved it, I wish I could give it like a 4.75.

Extremely fun game. I haven't really played ARPGs other than Diablo and I'm happy this was the first one I've completed.

Fantastically innovative game. Very fun with a unique art direction and great music.

It's definitely a game. Just okay, but the environmental design was good

Fantastic horror game, loved it. Really good atmosphere, interesting story, and its actually pretty scary. It truly holds up and it makes sense that it birthed the modern horror game genre.

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A really good FPS with horror elements that are both a blessing and a curse. I can talk a lot about this game but I don't want to ramble. Basically, I like the music, ambiance, and graphics which all add to the horror atmosphere. All of this is nicely wrapped around a strong, enjoyable FPS.

However, the horror does actively take away from the game at times - especially near the end. Hallucinations of Alma or Fettel popping up from time to time is cool and spooked me sometimes. But I will admit those were basically the only scares the game could offer, overall not very creative. But the biggest problems are the repetitive hallucinations that go over the same plot point of Alma's baby being taken away every time. It got annoying after a point, and extremely disappointing when that hallucination is the climax of the whole game!!

And said climax has the same reveal as the first Bioshock. But unlike Bioshock which actually continued after that reveal and ended properly, Fear just ends soon after. And it doesn't even make the reveal interesting, it's just retreading the same ground. Because of that I'm not interested in playing the DLC that continues the story, I just don't really care. I don't think I'll be replaying the main game anytime soon either. I liked it overall but I got what I wanted from it and I'm not entirely interested in coming back.

Overall I didn't really like this game, but I have a weird affection towards it.

Fantastic game that altered the circuitry of my brain permanently. The characters, the music, the visuals, the atmosphere - all etched on the walls of my brain. This game made me the person that I am today.

A lot of other fans like to replay Bloodlines, would I? No, not in a long time. Despite it being amazing in most other aspects, the gameplay is simply not good. Especially as the game goes on and it turns from an enjoyable yet clunky immersive sim to a grueling dungeon crawler.

I love this game and I do hope I can replay it in the future.

Up there as one of my favorites. In my opinion, it beats out Dark Souls 1 as the best in the Souls series solely because it is a more complete and streamlined game.