Wonderful game! This is a rather appropriate illustration of dreams because they frequently alternate between being unsettling and upsetting and being soothing and calming. In terms of horror, it doesn't attempt to frighten you through cheap jump scares or make you survive a terrifying monster; all it does is disturb you with its dreary, unsettling atmosphere.

You know, I actually like Banjo-Kazooie, so I was sort of excited about playing this one. However, compared to Banjo-Kazooie, this just feels so cluttered and random. It honestly just seems like a fangame made by people who don't really understand what they were supposed to put into their levels. As far as gameplay goes, it's just completely boring; it's just going from one place to the next trying to find the pagies, which are so spread out and you move so slowly that it just adds to the frustration. Now let me just end this with two minor nitpicks. These character designs are not it. Going back to Banjo-Kazooie, they have designs that are memorable and stand out. The designs in Yooka-Laylee are either undesigned or overdesigned. Also, the sounds they make are really annoying, to put it lightly.

More like Unfarted Snore: A Queef's End.
I'm kidding. I do understand why people enjoy these games; this just doesn't really do anything for me personally. They did a good job of making this game look good, but the script is mediocre at best, and the gameplay just drags on.

This used to scare me a lot when I was 11. Looking at this now, it's completely goofy. I still have huge respect for this game though. It served its purpose and was a cool short horror game at the time, it just hasn't aged all that well.

Really cool game! Wish it was a little longer though.

It's not the greatest point-and-click I've ever played, but I absolutely enjoy the bizarre humor, the absurd characters, the expansive soundtrack and the artwork, which is made even more charming by the characters and dialogue.