Wish it was longer. Great shake up to the series

Not a bad game, but is pretty disappointing compared to previous BF games

Very unique and fun couch co-op experience. Definitely worth playing

Enjoyed the story. Great mix of lightsaber action, blaster action, old character nostalgia and new characters. All in all, it really captures the atmosphere and essence of Star Wars.

Not nearly as bad as I expected. Enjoyed it thoroughly. The story was very engaging and I wish it was longer. Night city was GORGEOUS. The characters were vibrant and very well written and acted. The soundtrack banged.

Its, of course, not without its problems. There is plenty of bugs and glitches, but nothing game breaking from my experience. Still had a great time with it.

Addictingly fast paced game play and a fresh take on the classic Pac-man. Better then Mario 35 but I liked Tetris 99 a bit more.

A worthy successor to the original. It's more then just a nostalgia trip, as the game is genuinely fun, with beautiful courses, a great soundtrack and cute pokemon!

Even with its short play through time, it became a bit tiresome and repetitive towards the end.

Expands on the first game with a even greater soundtrack, gunplay and platforming, while even being longer and feeling less repetitive then the first.

A great, fun and relaxing escape from the Covid times we live in.