This game is amazing. I recently played it and i was having such a good time i beat it and platinumed it in only 1 night. I love the retro graphics and controls, i definitely would recommend this game to almost any of my friends.


Very fun survival game for you and your friends. High detail and would recommend

First time playing this game i was like wow. This games controls and graphics were so ahead of its time. Its such a beautiful game for being from 2014. The storyline is amazing as well and i would 100% recommend

Amazing!!! This game was so ahead of its time its incredible. Almost everything about this game is perfect and i would recommend that you play it as well.

This game was one of the games i played as a kid and it has a very special place in my heart. Except for that the game is overall amazing. The camara angle might be difficult for some but you get use to it. This is one of the games that i would say was ahead of its time.

Every single batman Arkham games are the best batman games ever made period.

This spiderman game was amazing and was definitely one of the best ones in the series.

Very good spiderman game and was the start of some great new games.

Was a very great spider man game and i loved playing from Miles side but the game was a little short.

Was very very fun for about a year and is by far one of the best mk games but it got boring after awhile.

In my opinion the best zombie game ever made. Nearly every part about this game is perfect and was so much fun to play

Absolute classic. Not much to say since everyone has played this at least once but many great memories from this game from many years and i can still proudly say that i still play it

Every single batman Arkham games are the best batman games ever made period.

Very unique and well made. I love all the missions, DLCS, and masks in this game. Best bank robber game to me and you should play it.

One of the best VR games and i had a lot of fun playing