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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 7, 2022

Platforms Played


This is, by far, the worst Diablo ever, but propably an above average mobile game. The story is meh and skipable at best, the game mechanic feels antiquated and like the game should have been released five years earlier. On the other hand, the game is constantly nudging you into buying stuff... One of many resources is always missing. You don't need to buy anything but than the grind becomes totally repetitiv and boring, as you are only allowed to progress in the story, if you reched certain levels. One main Diablo Features is missing: A Procedurely Generated World, instead the user gets random dungeons, without any meaning for the overall storyline.

I played the game on an Android handheld and on PC. I prefer the handheld version. On PC the game still feels like a mobile game.