should've just been connor's storyline ://
The other two were really not necessary. All of the thematic elements from the other two could just be condensed and shoved into Connor's storyline and it would've made for a really strong storyline

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pretty rad.

and also really fucking pretty. the designs for the characters, machines, cities and wilds are so stunning and creative. the machines especially. the concept of areas of vulnerability on enemies is far from new but the way that targeting specific machine components can alter gameplay is so intriguing and feels so fresh. seeking out and battling each unique machine is easily my favourite part of the game and with such diversity amongst the design of the machines' appearances and fighting styles I'm always so captivated.
the main storyline was kinda bland. i think. it tended to overcomplicate itself, droning on at times. but when it was good, it was really good.
the final fight was so thoroughly underwhelming. making an enemy the player has fought on several occasions a bit stronger does not make for good gameplay and with such creative machine designs, a brand new machine to face off against the final battle would have been so great. but no.
but hey. the weapons are cool and decently innovative, each of the skill upgrades are cool and improve gameplay to a solid degree.
i always have a good time playing :)

mmmmmmmm nostalgia. the main storyline is good and fulfilling but simple yet all the better for it. where the game shines through is the extent to which it allows for its audience's freedom, limitless creativity and imagination. potentially the best sandbox games to date.

v immersive until it's not. if u treat the free roam across the map as a sandbox it's so good oh my god. the environment is so detailed and beautiful. Getting lost amongst stunning landscapes, plotting the best way to rob a store or train, bounty/treasure hunting, interacting with random encounters and catching horses are all activities at your disposal and I’ve found myself almost entirely forgetting about the main quests I had to complete because I was so absorbed by the very setting of the game.
there's so much to do besides quests which is fantastic because quest gameplay can suck ass. switching between the interactive free roam and the rigid linear quests devoid of any ability to be creative is so jarring. the stranglehold of quest-based gameplay in red dead redemption 2 forcibly has players rely on the very game mechanics that are killing player agency in open world, story-driven rpgs. Rockstar strips players of any opportunity to problem solve, chhosing instead to stick to rigid and strict gameplay, actively punishing their audience for not participating in the constant coddling and micro managing of players present in almost every moment of scripted gameplay. This gameplay style results in an experience that’s stiff and uninspired, having the player sit, mimicking bouts of near paralysis only broken by short moments of being told to press an ordered button over actual exploration of a game and its features.
But I do love it. even if the player’s ability to alter slight events in main story quests is very, very limited, the story is really good. The characters are really vivid and interesting and the game does a fantastic job of making you feel like a member of their gang. I hate Micah with every fibre of my being. He’s so slimy and cruel and despicable. I hate Micah. But I love rockstar for making me feel so strongly about a bunch of pixels on a screen. I love this game. I love being a cowboy in this game. I love living in the world of this game. But I don’t like playing this game. More specifically, I don’t like rockstar telling me how I have to play this game. But I love this game for its characters, environment and limitlessness of the free-roam aspects of the game. For me, at least, the positives severely outway the negatives