the hours spent on this were well worth it

this is the shit for any child that couldnt play CoD in front of their parents

friend from high school loves fallout and thought this would be worth pre-ordering and trying the beta. being a true friend i would oblige playing with her.

beta is complete garbage.

i want to refund this as soon as possible. she is hesitant to say its bad before the game launches.

the game launches.

we played for under 50 hours before we both call it quits.

this has led to us never pre-ordering ever again.


played for 20 minutes bc it was on gamepass and realized it was a horrible BotW clone. ran like garbage on a 3070 and the "crafting" and "gathering" is so boring and tedious

dawg im not playing this ever lmao

i love king gizzard and the lizard wizard

kingdom hearts if it was fuckin sick as hell

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13 Reasons Why: the video game

a basic and confusing walking simulator with poor voice acting, themes laid waaay too thick, and a tale of whats to come for the series. despite having interesting scenes and areas during its runtime, it wears contemporaries (i.e. P.T. and Layers of Fear) on its sleeves like a brick and clumsily talks about every rough subject any teen could experience with little to no nuance or clever takeaway about help, friends, family grief, or growth.

also if you're depressed, go shopping with the girlies!!!!!!!!

this game requires you to swap from the assault rifle to the plasma pistol and it doesnt let you charge a blast at all

fun as hell but the jackpot level is designed to never be won i swear to god

definition of knowing how to take "AMERICA, FUCK YEA" to its most extreme for fun AND for satire

i am suffering with the tonfa, i am god's strongest creature

they will deny it, but this game was one of the biggest things leading to the SBFP being no more and for that, it deserves to bear the crown of "worst game ever conceived, made, and released." david cage never should have been a game designer