achieved the best of classic tony hawk in a package. shame that activision hates fun.

i completed this game and its DLC %100 during the first lockdown in 2020. i regret every minute spent on this

unnecessary in every way

innovative for its time, still a good shooter to this day

honestly just a good gay time, too many people were shittin on this for being really drawn out by square n shit but god this was a fantastic time and made me finally complete an FF title in its entirety. DLC also adds to its fun.

had a horrible experience even with a friend. chris punching a boulder was worth it tho.

i miss playing multiplayer on the 360. zombies was always a very chill experience with friends or without. i have severe depression

personal favorite zelda imo. love the dark energy and the yellow filter attached to this title. 2000s gaming just exists in a vacuum and i love it with all my heart

what a perfect 3ds game. pinnacle of casual gaming.

over the years, this has become one of the least satisfying mmo's ever. the shooting is phenomenal but christ they did not know what to do with this game as an ever-growing product.

waaaay too boring as a loot shooter.

i love card-based roguelikes because of this game.

i should be ashamed for ever attempting to play this. kinda slaps tho.

my only story for this game is that while trying to get every achievement on steam, the save file bugged out so hard it crashed the entire game trying to load it. i fucking hate bethesda so much

one of the most intensive, realistic, and brutal shooter multiplayer games to date. hard to master, addicting to play even when you die.