went as randy orton this playthrough so i can justify only using fists

being ok is the biggest disappointment about this game tbh

this robot bitch wants me to kill myself but i have too much swag to let that happen

im just leaving this here bc ive never felt the physical urge to play this after mastering WD2 and wanting WDL. if this ever changes, im probably not in an ok spot

multiplayer is incredible. palpatine can die in this and stay dead like he fucking should

fuck WWII. WWI is the more interesting older brother that should bully his sibling out of being so into nazis. get him to enjoy tanks and radio waves

dawg this is way too fucking big and long and boring

jank like it was made out of cardboard, voice acting of hundreds of characters to ~10 people, bare bones story telling, color palette of a bob ross leftover, crashed my 360 and pcs multiple times with no mods or DLC. i want to play it again

tits and ass and pussy and pancakes

yar har fiddle-ie-de, being a pirate is alright with me! do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!!!!

i wish the gamestop t-shirt i got with this banger still fit me

the most ignored message of all time is the gps telling you where you need to turn "when it is safe to do so"

disappointing as a skate title, still 10/10 on just vibes alone. the quarry and mega park still provide the best enjoyment on whatever difficulty.