I beat this game and will never touch it again. Love spongebob tho.

I will buy this game on every console I own. I love silme rancher so much. You want cute times with cute slimes? Here ya go. You can farm, make lil gadgets, buy toys for your slimes. They can get costumes too! Very cute. I adore this game and am eagerly awaiting the second one. I played this game so much when it was like available on the demo for xbox i had like 2 mins left on it. I could spend hours on end listening to the music or just spending time with my cute slimes. Love the customization and I love the game. It's great!!!!!!!!!!!

This game was very fun starting off. The music is calming and the character cute. Getting into the game and getting a start on the island wasn't so bad, but on PS4 its harder to place things with the cursor the way it is. Also some of the achievements are glitched and even when the requirements are met you won't get the achievement for it. I wish the game wasn't given up on, cause past getting all the lands and abilities or whatever there's no reason to replay it. With steam the game has more things you can add onto it with the workshop which makes it a bit more fun. But the game could have been so much better and so much more could've been done with it. I love all the wands and different weapon types but there definitely could've been more room for customization.

I liked the gunplay and the variety you have with the guns. The story was very meh. Gonna play through the dlc. Checked out some of the things they didn't add in and them not adding one specific thing that was cut out really would've added to the game. Encountered a lot of glitches some that caused me to lose guns and hinder gameplay a bit but i'm having fun with it overall.

The music was great. Loved playing through it. The battle system took some time to get used to but i enjoyed figuring it out. Finding the collectables and stuff was enjoyable as well. I'd have to boot the game up to see how much I had left to complete other than the main story.