10 Reviews liked by jadeladel

10/10 (Masterpiece)

For the longest time I would consider Mario Kart Wii to be my favorite game of all time. It was the game that got me to play games more from 2017-2020. It was the game I always played… I always loved it and I still do.

But I think I have a new favorite game now.

God, i wish i could say this game was good. But fuck incest, fuck the creator for KNOWINGLY putting incest into the game. And fuck the game for using incest as some sort of way to show how despicable the characters are. This doesnt belong in a fucking video game

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ZAMN this girl even more blind and traumatized than i am!

there is no joke. please play this game. thank you and goodnight.

How did I cry even more than last time