9 reviews liked by jerLum

scarier than thing this game says about le media is the fact that this is a very active speedrunning game when its basically 100% rng. why

Asymmetrical 4v1 multiplayer game. It’s actually quite enjoyable to say the least at its surface level. Once you start getting into the meta of it all. You can see it can be unbalanced at times due to some perks not working correctly.

Survivor is quite fun but you really need a solid team if you are planning to beat the demon in anyway. If you get spotted early considered yourself dead by the deadites. Gameplay loop is pretty simple. Find the pages and the Kandarian dagger and shut off the necronomicon for good.

Demon is what is the most fun. Spooking all the team and then controlling minions and even pull out the boss monster to take them all down. A well placed boss can snowball the entire game.

Overall, quite enjoyable. I see myself coming back to it and playing with friends or even as demon once some patches come through. Devs just added anti cheat so they are at least active in that aspect of the game and devs seem like they are gonna support this game for a while which is always a plus!

If you are a fan of evil dead then pick this game up! Very faithful imo to everything evil dead!

One of my top 10 games of all time

Not a "bad" game,but i hate it nonetheless,its everything wrong with modern gaming.

its wild how high and how low a single game can get

"Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys" the game

makes me realize I didn´t like the og games as much as I recalled, this is waaaay better actually, how do fans even do such a thing?

The main game is just a tutorial for the Knuckles & Knuckles mode.