Log Status






Time Played

2633h 0m

Days in Journal

119 days

Last played

June 13, 2024

First played

July 9, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


The biggest draw are the champions themselves and the world of Runeterra. It's all so cool and I can't wait to see what happens next to them.

The thing is, the game isn't actually that bad. Most of the champions are designed well and fun to play as. There's incredible variety with how matches can turn out that no two matches will ever play out exactly the same despite there being only one map and a somewhat rigid meta of what champions go into which role.

It's just so incredibly draining. Matches go on forever, it's often impossible to come back from an early disadvantage, and the players take the game so seriously (because the game takes itself so seriously) that it turns everyone into raging man children. A team game where you have to work with four strangers with limited communication in a high-stake competitive environment is a flawed concept.

I'll happily play with my friends who I know will not stress about the game like their life depends on it, but the intended way of playing: solo queue competitive, is so atrocious that I just can't take it.