I can't believe how good each game is, it's one of the most consistently great series I've ever played.

I have no words for this game.. Wow just wow, I can't believe I live in a world where this is real. This is the reason I wake up in the morning.

Obviously fun for the first few months, but at what point are we just going to make all fighting games free and just spend the 60 dollars for all characters? Capcom obviously isn't the only offender of this, it's just disappointing that this has became the new norm.

If this game had slightly better graphics everyone would've believed it was released yesterday, that's how good it truly is.

I probably severely overrated this game but this game is one of the most fun experiences I had. To put it simply it is quite literally a 50-50 mix between RE6 and RE4 and not just due to the fact that it's co-op. It takes a more action-focused approach like RE6 (but a good enough blend to not ruin it) and still has the goofiness that RE4 original had as well as similar controls. It gets a bonus star for it's wildly impressive co-op.

Still can't believe they killed off the 2 most iconic protagonists Piers and Finn. :( Also can't believe they were able to push this game to over 20 hours, should've cut it in half and gave the rest of the time to the RE3 remake.

I feel like people over-exaggerate how bad this game is, in reality it's a fine game, sure they changed a LOT from the original but that doesn't make this the worst game ever. One of the other biggest complaints of this game is the length, it's definitely one of the shorter Resident Evil games I will agree, however this wasn't an issue to me as it made it WAY shorter to 100% compared to the majority of the other Resident Evil games.

this game would be a 5 star if this fuckface named greaseball would stop killing me with a shovel

Lethal Company clears unfortunately

you can tell how much passion the voice actors put into this 😭 😭 😭

Possibly my favorite RPG of all time after the updates. I had an extreme hatred for this game when it first released and didn't even think of completing it until they release the 1.5 update. Most developers would've given up on this game and simply left it as a cash grab but CD Projekt Red used it as an opportunity to fix their reputation, and in the process released the best expansion I've ever played.

This game would be great to a newcomer of the franchise, but also offputting if they were to play any other entry. This game does a lot of things well, however it's just simply not a Final Fantasy game and really shouldn't have had the title of one, the only thing they kept from the other entries was the combat style.

This game has some great new ideas from the original such as the format of the 2 spider-man system. However, I don't see much improvement and infact some regression from the original and it's especially apparent with the amount of glitches/bugs I encountered over my playthrough. Obviously the expansions for this game haven't been released yet but if they aren't loaded with content, the amount of hours it takes to 100% will be disappointing.