2 reviews liked by josegeeklml

They tried, bless their hearts.

It's really hard to take a giant dump on a game that you can tell people put their hearts and souls into, but this was a hot doo doo mess. The visuals are incredible and the voice cast is surprisingly stacked but the story is a nothingburger, the combat is disastrously unbalanced, the music is forgettable, the writing is basic and the game is filled with bugs. I had to repeat the colosseum six times because the game kept freezing.

I don't know why I kept playing but I did. Maybe in hopes of the game getting better? I don't know. It just sucks because I'm all for more western turn-based RPGs but this isn't it.

I'm all for supporting local industry, as it is very small in my country, and that's why I bought it, but sadly, this game ain't it. The story and dialogue are obnoxiously childish, and the novelty of the gameplay (the time travel mechanic) is very shallow in its execution. It would be the perfect game for the go on Switch, but those loading times are inexcusable, even more so considering there are random encounters, each with its own loading time. Hope they learned a lot from this and hope their next game will improve.

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