51 reviews liked by jovi

it has been addressed many times over but what a complete surprise. the existence of the game alone was a shock but even then in the reveal trailer it looked to be a solid effort vs how special this turned out to be.

i wasn't completely into the combat but with some tinkering in the settings it allowed me to get back to what i was enjoying much faster, which was the platforming and exploration. once you start unlocking some of your abilities this game has some of my favorite movement in a 2D game with platforming possibly ever. completing some of the trap gauntlets while firing on all cylinders with your assortment of moves was absolutely sublime.

i did love Sargon too. my only complaint is the Warrior Within skin was locked behind preorder and is now lost unless it decides to show up again/who fucking knows but it's Ubisoft so...

The Rogue Prince of Persia looks to be much less of my kind of thing but after this i'm not going to write it off.


Can gamers at least try to be consistent when trashing games for having MTX, it feels like such random games always catch heat for it when there's much bigger offenders even among Capcom's own library (Monster Hunter World & Rise lmao)

I can at least understand people being upset over optimization (even if in my experience I've had little to no issue in the 5 hours I've played so far), but obviously the issue differs from person to person.

Game is fun tho, I'm having a blast, this really is just an improved version of the original Dragon's Dogma and I'm all for it.

I played this game ages and ages ago, it was hard to find a physical copy of it but I managed to. This is one of my favourite games of all time. When I managed to finish it, I felt like I accomplished something big because this is a hard game, it takes patience and some combat skill. Each character has their special type of weapon, and each one has their own storyline at the start - Zoe has always been my favourite character. As soon as I saw that this game got released on Steam, I felt fucking happy, legit. I've been waiting for this game to be released on Steam for years, I even signed a petition a while back, but finally, this game is here. I bought it without needing to think twice since it is a game that I love so much, and I am looking forward to reliving good memories, this time with a higher resolution and running on a more recent machine.

No genre has suffered more within the past two generations of gaming than racing games. Need for Speed is a shell of its former self. Burnout is dead. Namco seems to have forgotten Ridge Racer, and Sony has abandoned MotorStorm and seems hellbent on ruining Gran Turismo. Sure, there’s other racing games out there like Forza, Project Cars, and The Crew, but they all feel so utterly inessential, coming and going without much fanfare except from the most hardcore of racing game fans.

Need for Speed: Unbound is fine. It’s better than Payback and Heat, but that’s the faintest praise I could possibly offer it. I just can’t get excited by it because Need for Speed used to be better than just fine. It used to be that a Need for Speed game would come out and it would be one of the best games of the year. Now a new Need for Speed game comes out and it feels like hardly anyone cares.

really good when you don't have a bitch in your ear screaming at you that it sucks

okay this game is awesome but i feel like the only person who was underwhelmed by artorias' fight. it was good, of course, but everyone was hyping it up like it was the best fight in the series... i did not ride that same high

I thought for a long time about whether the game deserved the attention then and now. On the one hand, there are big sins in general with the gameplay, but on the other hand, the game was initially positioned as an interactive movie and as a full-fledged detective story. From the very beginning to the end, the main plot stretches piece by piece, which adds up to one thing and from this you get a strong buzz, but unfortunately, a second playthrough after a long period will not work, the game is quite well remembered. A very cool experiment that ended up being one of the best AAA in this direction so far.

Долго думал, насчет того, заслужила ли игра того внимания тогда и сейчас. С одной стороны есть большие грехи в целом с геймплеем, но с другой стороны игра изначально позиционировалась как интерактивное кино и как полноценная детективная история. С самого начала и до конца тянется кусочком по кусочку основной сюжет который складывается в одно и от этого получаешь сильный кайф, но к сожалению, второе прохождение через большой промежуток увы не выйдет, игра достаточно хорошо запоминается. Очень крутой эксперимент который в итоге вышел одной из лучшей AAA в этом направлении до сих пор.

One of the most gripping, emotional and simultaneously ambitious narratives told in the medium. While there are definitely narrative missteps throughout and a few things that could be better, the world, cast and story of Mass Effect continued to engage me everytime I played, and towards the end of the final game it dawned on me how much everything in the game has grown on me, and man did it make the finale of the trilogy seriously hit hard. By no means perfect, but I’m not only surprised but overjoyed by the quality of the Mass Effect trilogy and it’s been one hell of a ride. A fucking stellar series in every way.

Made all the endings and I still think is one of the best cyberpunk game out there in the market. Adam is a good main character, with an interesting story and opens up the conflict of evolution for the human body and mind.
Something I would gladly replay to finish it 100%. But... for a kill I had not made, I could not get the full pacifist achievement. Still angry about that.