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Red dead redemption 2 is a prime example that video games are art just like any other forms of media. I put this game on my list for so many years and finally decided to play it and it was a great experience to say the least. As much as I agree with the amount of praise this game gets i must say I'm a bit disappointed with the game. Now the storyline is incredible and i have 0 problems with that, Arthur is easily one of the best characters I've seen not just in videogames but in any media in general. I have no qualms with the writing of the game. The writing and characters carried the game heavily, not to say that the other aspects didn't put as much effort into the game. I really expected a lot out of this game and I guess i ruined it a bit for myself. There are so many things i genuinely didn't understand why it's even there or things I found extremely annoying throughout my play time. For example why the fuck is camping the most lamest fucking thing in this game? You have this incredible open world with an insane level of details poured into it, the game even lets you craft things and such but when it comes to camping all you do is press a button and see a lame ass cutscene and you automatically get a camp. It's so wasted, rather they could've made it so that you can find different materials across the open world and build the camp accordingly. Not just camping, there's so much wasted potential in so many features in this game, I'm surprised people don't speak on it much. Staying on the camping feature, sometimes the game doesn't let me put a camp for no reason, I'm in the middle of nowhere bro it's like there's anyone nearby why the fuck can't I put my camp. Hunting gets a bit irritating because of the tracking trail being white, it's so hard to look at. I really appreciate the effort they put into the animations but my god why do we need them? The one where Arthur constantly puts his guns in the saddle every fucking time so whenever I get off from the horse Ineed to take out my guns again. I'm also not the biggest fan of the physics in this game, sometimes my horse jumps through an obstacle automatically and other times it just falls over some small ass rock on the road. Even with arthur he just falls down over the smallest fucking ledge.

As much as I love the story i really I'm tired of rockstars outdated gameplay. They really need to let go of the same heavily scripted gameplay. It's so restrictive and demotivating to play the game. Now I don't mind a linear game but when the game constantly goes from letting you do whatever you want in the open world but then literally treats you like a retard who never touched a videogame in missions. The game absolutely doesn't let you be creative at all, every single thing has a marker or a notification or has the NPCs keep yelling at you to do a certain thing. It's disappointing because the amount of freedom and creativity that could've been while playing missions but rockstar unfortunately thinks their audience are mentally challenged. There was this mission where you're supposed to find trelawny, during the mission you track him down and find two bounty hunters who then give you his location and when you go there you find two barns, now anyone with two braincells can figure they're supposed to search the barn right? But rockstar thinks we're retarded so they put a "search the barns" on the screen and the mark the barns on the map like i can't just fucking see it in front of me. There's many other instances throughout the game where the game treats you like a child with constant notifications and markers on the map that it really breaks the immersion I have in the game.

Cover shooting has to be the most boring way of playing a game, it's so boring to me that the only thing keeping it to together is the dead eye ability.

The honor system could've been fleshed out more than what we got. I finished the game with the highest honor Arthur but it wasn't because I wastrying to be a good guy, rather it's because it's very rare the game ever tempted me to be a bad guy so any neutral decisions i made still gave me more honor, this ties in with the another disappointing feature in the game - donating to the camp. They could've removed this feature and nobody would've gave a shit about it, you'd think it's a very important feature but no, it doesn't even matter if you donate to the camp or not. They could've made it more impactful so then the player is actually motivated to do activities in order to get money and donate to the camp. but wait, even that is useless because the game gives you so much money that sometimes Idek what to do with all that money. They give you too much money that it kills any intention of robbing places which could've forced you lose honor which then motivates the player to do good to gain back that honor. All I'm trying to say is that the game had so much potential but was unfortunately held back by rockstar's boring gameplay aspects and unnecessarily scripted gameplay.

Arthur Morgan to me will be one of the most memorable characters I've ever seen. The redemption part is so accurate to his character and ending. The fact that he got the disease so early in the game is some good foreshadowing and the dude who gives you the disease can be seen very early on in the game in valentine when he stops you from killing the big dude in the saloon. The parallels between them is amazing, both try to do good and redeem themselves after they get the disease, except arthur had more time and managed to save John and the other gang members. The interactions with Edith Downes and her son and the sister truly cemented Arthur as one of my favourite characters. The voice acting for Arthur was top notch, the way he delivers the lines and conveys his emotions is so surreal, especially during his final moments when Arthur tells dutch "i gave you everything i had" and I really felt that. Mind you I already was spoiled bout his death but the game still managed to make me care for Arthur and I did end up crying watching him go like that. Arthur's and micah's death's contrast each other well, one dies on a hill looking at a sunrise knowing he managed to save a father and a husband while the other dies like a loser on the a snowy mountain only accompanied by cold with nobody who gives a fuck about. I'd say even ducth had his own "redemption" in a way, he kills Micah and leaves the blackwater stash for John, maybe he was trying to do right by Arthur after clearl regretting his decesion during Arthur's final moments. Playing as John in the epilogue was solid. The final mission was brilliant, hunting down Micah while dogwalking all his goons with the most banger ass music in the background with John yelling "It's John Marston, Micah" felt so fucking cool.

I'm aware I'm sounding like i hate the game but I don't, it's just that these stupid shit in it really ruined the game a bit for me. All that aside I still enjoyed the game, otherwise I wouldn't have put over 100hrs into it. I adore the story, the characters and obviously Arthur. The epilogue was solid and the ending was satisfying. Top notch music throughout the game and some of the best voice acting I've seen in a game. Overall it's an incredible experience but lacked short due it's restrictive gameplay but nonetheless it's a great game that everyone should play at least once.

Rip to my horse daisy. She was a real one.

me: i dont like breakcore
hakita: no you do
me: yes, i do

I think elden ring is the closest thing I've seen to a perfect video game. I'm not saying it lightly, i have gone through this twice and now playing it for the third time and i easily spent around 60-70 hrs on both playthroughs, the point I'm trying to make here is, in all those hours i played the game i always kept finding new shit that kept me coming back to the game, hell i was addicted to this game. Genuinely think there won't ever be a game of this level and quality ever again. The open world is unarguably the best open world in a video game ever, like there's no denying that. They managed to make the map so fucking big and yet it never felt like it was too much or unnecessary space like most "open world" games do. Every corner of the map is open for you and isn't locked behind some stupid invisible wall, if you see something far in the distance you can actually just go there like it's so incredible how well they managed to make the open world so good. Every region of the map has unique atmosphere, enemy types, different dungeons or caves you can explore, they're also filled with so many bosses everywhere while not everyone of them is good but most of them are hella fun to fight. Often I find myself just fucking around the map just exploring stuff and completely forgetting about the main storyline and that imo is how you should make a good open world game. It's just not the map that is good either, Elden ring is by far the most beginning friendly out of any other souls games, the combat feels amazing and fluid, it's like they managed to be beginner friendly and still maintain that brutal difficulty that they're know for. The wide and I mean WIDE variety of weapons, armors, spells, incantations, spirit summons makes it so that every time you play the game it'll you give you a unique experience which will be just as fun as your previous one. As someone who's played the previous fromsoftware games, it's clear how much inspiration they took from those games and utilized it here which makes the game all the better. The presence of so many graces spread throughout the world so you're not forced to travel all the time and just easily teleport to any site of grave you've already discovered, the stake of Marika right before boss fights is such a good feature and i never understood why they didn't implement this from the beginning but ig it's better late than never. If there's one thing I'd like them to add is the ability to just pause the game anytime we want like in sekiro, not being able to pause it doesn't add any challenge to the game, it just adds kidney stones inside me while I'm holding my piss trying to get a hit in whole fighting something. But that's besides the point. Elden ring by far has the best lore and characters fromsoftware has ever written, I'm a sucker for dark fantasy shit and elden ring has just that, Miyazaki's way of story telling through NPCs, item descriptions, your enviornment, even the enemies themselves is so genius and under appreciated. The vague but intentional plot points scattered around the world that players just stumble upon is just amazing. The boss fights are a sight to behold, even though some bosses are not as good they're still well designed and that brings me to my next point, idk who was responsible for designing the bosses in this game but if i did I'd give them the craziest head ever. Every boss is so fucking awesome thematically, cinematically, mechanically and what not. They genuinely peaked with their designs in this game. The map is gorgeous to look at, no matter what part of the map it is, it looks mesmerizing and beautiful. People who complain about the graphics not being good are the definitely the kind of retards who think good graphics = photorealistic graphics, I'm glad fromsoftware doesn't give into that stupid stereotype, tired of companies making their games look like they're real life, games need to look like games not a movie and I'm glad this game has some of the best artstyles I've ever seen. There's so much other good stuff I'd like to point out but this already became lengthy enough so I'll just pick up some of my nitpicks from the game.
In no way do I think elden ring suffers with any severe or significant problems that just makes it unplayable, yet as I said there are some nitpicks for me. The most commonly stated one is the balance in the game, it's all the over the place, you'd fight and kill a boss fairly easily but the next mob will just shit all over you, but I also understand it's pretty difficult to maintain perfect balance when you make such a big map with so many different enemy types. The damage is another thing that feels a bit weird, like bosses will just one shot no matter your vigor level which is a bit frustrating but it's not a big deal. Tbh that's all the "problems" I can think of in this game.

Fav bosses (not ranked except the first 5):
1. Morgoat
2. Maliketh
3. Radagon
4. Godfrey
5. Radahn
6. Rykard
7: Placidusax
8: Malenia
9: Mohg
10: Astel
but design wise I'd say rykard is my favourite one like not even close.

Elden ring at its core is a phenomenal adventurous rpg game, one of the very few "adventure" games where you really do adventure your way throughout the game, ik a lot of people have already talked about this but i absolutely love the fact that they never spoonfeed you instructions on how to play the game, they totally leave everything upto the player to figure it out themselves which further emphasizes on the adventure element of the game. Sometimes the game does get too vague or confusing, especially with the npc questlines but then again it IS part of the adventure experience the game is trying to sell. Love it or hate it that's an important part of the game imo. In a world where big AAA companies with millions if not billions of dollars somehow managed to put out some of the buggiest, unnecessarily expensive, unfinished, souless, mediocre crap every year, fromsoftware has managed to maintain its reputation through and through all these years, the consistency with how many incredible games they've put out is amazing (we don't talk about ds2) Fromsoftware has mastered the formula of souls games and only have been improving on it since years, every game has the same fundamentals and core mechanics but they still try to innovate something new every game to keep it more fresh and fluid. They could've fucked up real hard with this game considering how massive it is but they somehow managed to deliver beyond people's expectations.
Overall Elden ring is a generational game, do yourself a favour and play it .


yep im not built for this game

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this is the coolest fucking game I EVER played, holy shit some of the reviews here had me convinced that this game isn't all that good, maybe in a way that was a good thing because I enjoyed the fuck out of it since I went in with such low expectations. Everything in this game is so cool looking and stylish. Square Enix NAILED the character designs man, I mean every fucking character I met is so dripped out. I cannot say much about the story since this was my first FF game, but i do understand the basic narrative of the game and that's good enough for me. I wasn't hoping for any complex storyline anyways. The combat is flashy and stylish and fighting enemies with your team is deeply engaging and fun, it's fun to use different weapons and spells and get something new from every fight. The character interactions among the squad was really the highlight for me, they really did it well and even though I don't have any prior knowledge about the lore, I still found myself attached to these characters. This game was an amazing adventure through and through. The game has so many things I really appreciated, like the fact that prompto takes pics during the adventure and then you can save your fav ones before saving near a camp or checkpoint, that really gave the sense of connectedness and the feeling that this trip isn't going to last forever, that made the game more emotional for me. The presence of Daemons and other monsters at night during the early game was really scary and made the game more challenging. The characters having their own hobbies made the game feel so much more alive and fun. I won't lie the first few hours of the game were pretty boring but as it kept progressing I was more and more invested into it, especially after the leviathan fight. Not to forget the boss fights are truly a spectacle, once I got the combat, it was so fun to beat the bosses and their designs were top tier too. The game got so much better as it was nearing the end and I really didn't want it to end, but that's inevitable. I really loved how they didn't make luna into some damsel in distress who needs noctis to save her, instead she's more mature and took responsibility of her actions and wasn't just some generic bland character like most other female characters. The entire Insomnia part at the end of the game was incredible. I was not expecting I'd love this game so much man, it was a pleasant surprise to me. Now I'm interested in trying out the other games

"Seeing you here now,'s more than I can take." and this line hit me like a truck, such a bittersweet ending, I will always adore this game.

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Of all the GOTY's throughout the years, I strongly think Witcher 3 is absolutely the most deserving GOTY of all time.

Every now and then I come across that one video game that just completely changes my life and Witcher 3 is one of them. Witcher 3 was my introduction to the witcher franchise and without a shred of doubt in my mind, this is possibly the best way I got introduced to a franchise ever. Witcher 3 is almost a decade old now and to think a game this old is still so incredible and even rivals most of the AAA games we have been getting recently. The amount of content packed in this game is just astonishing, there's tons and tons of stuff to do in this game and they somehow managed to keep all that content and yet I never felt overwhelmed looking at them. I don't think I have felt bored playing this game even for a second, it was a long playthrough for me and yet it felt rather short because of how immersive the game can be. When it comes to world building, environments, NPCs and just the overall aesthetics, witcher 3 vastly exceeds any other worlds I experienced in games. The map is ginormous and you get 5 different regions scattered across the map and each of those regions have their unique atmosphere and vibe to them, they have a lot of differences but one common thing among them is that they're all incredibly beautiful and incredible in their own way. Tons of side quests to do and I spent a lot of the playthrough doing side quests, which to me just shows how passionate the developers must be for this game. I'm not trying to imply that the main story line was bad but to think they would put so much effort into so many different side quests is just mind boggling to me. The main story itself is really amazing, although I don't know a lot of the lore, the game still managed to draw me in with its rich story and characters. Geralt and Ciri's relationship is a really underrated father/child trope, I might even say its up there with Kratos/Atreus or maybe even a little better. I enjoyed their conversations and the story makes it clear how much they love each other regardless of them not being blood related. All the characters in this game are handled well. They have different personalities, different accents, clothes, they react differently to different things which is pretty rare in most games now. NPCs actually feel alive which makes the world all the more lively and fun. The gameplay is very fun, love the sign usage and the various potions, oils etc.., that you can use as an advantage during fights. The game has a lot of freedom and let's the player decide the kind of playstyle they wanna do. Variety of armors, weapons, skills, items you can find and craft and they all look great. I really loved how geralt is like a detective for almost the entire game, I'm a big fan of detective stuff which makes geralt one of my favorite protagonists. The character writing in this game is just top notch. I just can't stress enough on how much I enjoy the conversations between the characters and the different dialogue options they give you. It's just awesome. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of other things but if I sat down to remember them all, I'll just keep writing forever. So I'll jump to DLCS.
When a DLC isn't just adding some new skins and side quests and actually expand upon the game and make it even better. If you ask me the DLCs are arguably better than the main game itself. They expand on the story and add tons of other stuff and a whole other region and their own storylines. You can just say that one DLC is better than the other and you wouldn't be wrong because of how phenomenal they are. I have a hard time choosing one which really shows how much the studio actually cares for the game. I love the contrast and parallels these dlcs have. While Hearts of stone looks a bit bleak, sad and depressing, the story in contrast is a bit more hopeful and bittersweet, on the other hand Blood and Wine is this grand and the most beautiful place you'll see in this game, the story is fucked up and the more you progress the darker it gets. They really compliment each other and provide an even enhanced and better experience for the players. Not to forget all the new characters in both DLCs are well done. Personally I liked Iris and Olgeird the most and had more of an impact than the other ones, their story is really sad but you still get the chance to give them a "happy" ending. The villains in both the dlcs are also done well, and just like the storylines they compliment each other too. Gaunter is a normal looking dude but is the most evil person you'll ever meet, while Dettlaff is a scary vampire, he is just misunderstood and antagonized and turns out to be manipulated. I don't think I have ever seen a studio put this much care to a fucking DLC before, and they both might be my fav DLCs for a long time.

A long and immersive journey from the beginning till the end.

Mass Effect 1: A really great start to the series for me, got hooked pretty fast. The game being only 10-11 hrs long still manages to be really fun due to it's various and unique characters who you can interact with and have different conversations depending on your dialogue choices, improving the bond you share with them by taking them with you on battles and what not. The game does feel a bit janky but since it's still an old game I'd say it does great. Loved that you don't you have to worry about running out of bullets. Not a lot of complaints tbh, it was a great game

Mass Effect 2: Now this was my favorite in the trilogy for many reasons, while not being perfect in any way, it is still incredible and improves upon everything from the first game. The story is a lot longer now, with even more characters, new features, new armor etc.., The best part about this game for me was the story and the character interactions, i absolutely enjoyed recruiting all the various squad mates and travelling the galaxy meeting different species. Love how the loyalty missions for each of the squad mate reveals their backstory, their character and their purpose, all of this fleshed out them even more and i actually cared a bit for them which inturn motivates you to actually do their loyalty missions and explore the game instead of rushing through the story. Coming to the story, I think it absolutely peaked in this game, the story is also more fleshed out, and it kept getting interesting throughout the game. The paragon and renegade feature was good with how it affected your character and the people around you and the story itself, it feels more real and personal with how you personify your character. The ending was great as well. Again, not a lot of complaints for this one either but if i had to nitpick, I'd say the UI in this one was weird at first, thought the UI especially on the squad tab during fights was good enough in the first game, idk why they changed it but it's whatever. Unfortunately they started implementing bullet count from this game which again, isnt a big issue because you can find ammo everywhere in the game so it's pretty much super rare you actually run out of ammo, since you also carry like 4-5 weapons, running out of ammo is of no concern at all. I guess that's the only "issues" i found with the game tbh. All in all its the best one in the series and i absolutely loved every second of the game.

Mass Effect 3: ME3 changed up a LOT, bioware really said fuck it and went balls with this one. The combat now is more fast, engaging with even more enemy types and armors and weapons. The gameplay feels like you're playing gears of war which is just fucking amazing honestly, at first i didn't get used to the camera angle but you get used to it fairly quick. They added a few more characters but for the most part it's the same characters from the previous 2 games. A lot more character interactions and throwback to the previous games. The graphics look stunning and the combat feels great, they also added a few more Armor sets, the blue and gold "knight" Armor was my favourite. The story starts right off the bat, the game doesn't waste any time reminiscing and puts you into the action after the first cut scene. The story does get even better in this one right up until the end which I'll talk about in a sec. This one just like the previous one improves on its predecessor and also changed a bunch of shit, and most of the changes are good, but there are some changes i didn't like. For example the journal in this game is mad infuriating to me, firstly the side missions don't get their own tab which makes it confusing to keep up with them, not to mention some side missions are time sensitive which is not an issue by itself, but what makes it infuriating is that if you miss doing that certain side mission it still stays in your journal, everytime I open my journal i still see those missions listed up. The missions themselves were boring, most of them are just errands, like go scan this planet or get this item and give it to this guy in this place bla bla bla, I only did those side missions to get a 100% walkthrough but like I mentioned about the time sensitive missions, but it's not possible to do a 100% walkthrough unless you're following a guide. Now even with this issues, i still think this game is 5/5 because the story and the characters overshadows the bad parts of the game a lot. I never expected the game would be perfect by any means and the issues i mentioned were minor and had no significant affect in my experience. Going back to the ending, a lot of people i came across really didn't like the endings they give you, some call it lazy writing others called it straight garbage which to some extent I agree but personally I didn't care much about the ending, don't wanna be that guy but I think the journey is far more valuable and memorable than the ending, at least for me. Not saying that i wasn't curios as to how it ends but to say it made the game bad is just wrong I think. I went with the control ending because that seemed the safest and best option for everyone so I'm happy with the ending and have no complaints on that, yes it could've been better but it is what it is.

Mass effect will be one of the best experiences I've had playing a videogame. One of the most immersive and entertaining games you'll come across. The fact that each dialogue option you choose has some sort of affect in the story and the collective decesions you make in the previous game gets carried on to the next game which makes interaction that much more interesting. Appreciate that in the 3rd game you still meet your previous squad mates to check up on how they're doing but the game doesn't force them into the story for any kind of fan service. There's a lot of replay value in this series. I will most definitely replay it some other time, but for now I'm gonna let the joy of having played this game just simmer down a bit. Overall mass effect will always be one of my favourite games of all time and I'm more than glad to have spent the amount of time I did in the game.

one of those games where I absolutely hated almost every second of playing it but when finished, it hits me with the realization that what I just played was nothing short of amazing. "challenging but fair" my ass it's more like challenging but anything but fair", this game is incredibly hard and frustrating but once you get the gist of the movements and abilities, it plays amazing. You WILL die a LOT in every level but the game is designed in a way where the players approach to the certain levels matters the most. For example if you keep dying when you go left, just go right or try anything else that you haven't and I promise you the game wont seem impossible to beat. The story was whatever, i dont give a shit about that and I doubt anyone who played it does either, its interesting sure but obviously not the main focus in the game. Really loved the cyberpunk theme and the set- pieces are really creative and beautiful. Could give this all them 5 stars but unfortunately the train sequence where you chase the thief had me punching holes in the wall

The ultimate staple for superhero videogames.
The Arkham series has cemented itself to be one of the best superhero game of all time. These games understand batman's character more than some actual comic writers do, the journey through origins to knight is delightful to say the least. Each entry in this series is fabulous and really well crafted and thought out. They kept improving and innovating through each game and it really shows in arkham knight. The grand finale of this wonderful series offered one of the best character journeys I ever experienced. As a huge batman fan these games are like a love letter to all the fans out there. The traversing in this game is just phenomenal. I was skeptical when I first played the game and realized it was an open world but to my surprise, gotham is really an immersive open world. Every corner in the city has something going on for it. The gorgeous and absolutely disgusting city of gotham with its neon lights and rainy weather 24x7 is incredibly beautiful.
The gameplay is insanely good and it makes you feel like batman himself. Just an incredibly fun game overall.
RIP Kevin conroy, one of the most notable and talented VA ever. He'll forever be the Batman

yk it's garbage when both IGN and gamers agree on it

I'm a really big fan of the tomb raider franchise, and frankly this game got me confused on whether I love or hate it. Weakest in the trilogy for me, not to say it's a bad game in any way tho. I had a good time playing it but compared to previous games this one is a bit lackluster. I did like the fact that they focused more on the puzzles but honestly some of them were just bullshit and were there just for the sake of being a confusing puzzle. This game had lesser action than the previous ones which is fine but when the action sequences did happen, they weren't anything amazing. The stealth most of the time just felt boring and tedious too. Loved the graphics in this game a lot. The game is very vibrant and good looking almost all the time, which looks really good but imo the grunge and gritty atmosphere from the first reboot game suits tomb raider a lot more. That bloody, disgusting and dark setting goes well for me. But that's just personal preference I guess. I think this game is pretty good but I doubt I'm ever gonna replay it.

for a game that is so action packed, it sure has the most dogshit, abhorrent, atrocious, garbage ass camera mechanics ever. half the time i'm just fighting the camera than the enemies in front of me

Unlike the previous souls games which didn't have a protagonist and was left to the player to make their own character and experience their own unique journey, sekiro tries something different. Up until now every souls game had a vast variety of playstyles that you can choose which is very appealing, but sekiro is a narrow focused game limiting it's options which in turn made the game more well refined and thought out. Personally I think the boss fights in sekiro were a lot more remarkable than other games, this was probably because wolf was a pre-established character with his own backstory and connections with other characters which made the world more lively and had that feeling of connectedness. Lore aside sekiro also manages and perfectly nails at balancing out the enemies in the game, in previous games a boss fight could go in a lot of different ways depending on your build which created a bit of inconsistency, but this issue was fixed in sekiro, since every player is just a shinobi who wields a katana and has a prosthetic arm, the boss fights become significantly more fair and still manage to be just as challenging and impactful. Sekiro also does a good job at perfecting it's pace throughout the span of the game. It's not completely linear nor is it completely non-linear. It provides you with enough freedom to let you do whatever you want but it doesn't let the player wander out too much.
3rd playthrough and I must say this is fromsoftware's most replayable game imo. It is the perfect balance of all the fromsoftware games, honestly this is peak fromsoftware in every aspect. The combat is unarguably, undoubtedly the coolest and the most engaging ones out there, hell i dont think I've ever seen a game or played one which comes close to this combat, every fight you're in regardless it be a boss or not requires your attention to every move the enemy makes and decide whether to attack or defend which makes you feel like you're actually in the fight. Each and every enemy in this game has their own combat style which you need to adapt to in order to beat them. The boss fights are a spectacle to say the least, they're so visually amazing and even play amazing. The sound when you perfectly parry and fill up the enemy's posture bar and then giving them the deathblow is one of the best feelings ever.
The combat aside this game is so perfectly balanced as well. The game might be the hardest to learn but once you do, you instantly get addicted to it. Along with the dramatic combat and gameplay in general, this game is also beautiful. As you keep progressing through the game, you will start witnessing the fall of ashina, but instead of making the world look gloomy and dark, they decided to do the opposite, contrast to ashina's dark and dreadful fate, the world is instead bright and colorful. Whether it be senpou temple or the fountainhead palace, this game delivers when it comes to visuals.
I wish I could just write about how good every boss is but that's a bit too much so I'd rather just write about the best final boss in a videogame ever, Isshin the Sword Saint, this boss should be an example on how to make a final boss, not only is he badass and has amazing backstory, he's also like the climax you have to face which you've been getting ready for so long. He's the culmination of everything you've learned up until that point, he will throw everything at you. He FEELS like the final boss, they did such an incredible job with him.
Overall Sekiro is easily one of the best videogames ever made. btw wtf is up with every one of these games having poison swamps?


good dlc but it's rather short and very lackluster when it comes to actual enemies and even the boss fight. Sister Friede was a hard boss but hard doesn't always equate to a great boss, don't get me wrong she was a good boss but the fact that you have to do the first two phases over and over again when you lose is just really boring but still it was good. Im not even gonna consider the champion's gravetender and greatwolf a boss fight, it was just an underwhelming, short and cheap version of artorias and sif packed together.