I honestly don't think this game is really as bad as everyone claims to say it is. A lot of people like to trash this game purely due to its concept being that this is a sonic game where you can't run fast and must rely on the spin dash in order to effectively move. While that is certainly not the most well-thought-out concept for a sonic game IMO, I think the levels are designed semi around it as they are large and explorative, where spinballing around really won't accidentally get you killed in most instances. A good way to think about this games control is like billiards where you kinda launch sonic around. The only unfun parts were the last level being way too unnecessarily confusing and some of the bosses being kinda annoying to deal with. One of the worst sonic games this is very clearly not imo. instead of being bad its just okay

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023


8 months ago

I will really officially legitimately KILL SOMEONE if I have to deal with that last zone ever again. lol

It's like every key is hidden behind 5 different layers of bullshit.

8 months ago

what, you don't like exploring a random non-Euclidian labyrinth with doors that don't make sense all with the sight of only 2 feet in front of you?

8 months ago