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1 day

Last played

July 6, 2022

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if you asked me a year or 2 ago if i was interested in kingdom hearts as a series, i probably would've laughed at you because kh as a concept was something i'd never touch. a crossover between disney and ff was something i'd consider cringe back then. but now for some luck, kingdom hearts 2 is my favorite videogame of all time.

finished this game a second time today, was hesitant on making this review since everything about this game has been discussed to death already. but fuck it im writing this at 1am because i love this game to death and i want people to know why.

replayed the game on standard (derogatory) i thought the combat wouldnt click with me a second time since standard is just a button masher but no, i still love the combat in this game. weaving in magic between combos or as finishers are still as fluid and stylish as ever, utilizing drives to their full extent is fun. ive been watching speedruns and challenge videos on kh2 and tried imploring some of the strats i saw there and wow i love watching the opponent's health bar drain to 0 in an instant LOL.

but what really makes kh2 for me are the characters. the combat's fun no doubt but man i love this cast. 2 was my introduction to kh, i watched my friend play 1 so i saw some of it but 2 was my first real kh game. and playing it for the first time and seeing the roxas prologue go down with no prior context almost made me cry like a bitch tbh. unsurprisingly roxas is my favorite character in the game, watching his whole story go down was the first time i've ever felt bad/loved a character, his conversation with axel at the clocktower was the first time ive shed tears during a videogame, and rewatching it knowing what happens in 358 just made it hurt even more. the reunion of the destiny trio was also a part of the game i didnt know i'd be emotional for, after searching for riku and kairi the whole game and finally being able to see them hold hands together again is just great. this game just knows how and when to hit hard, the final cutscene of riku and sora in the beach and kairi's letter to sora will forever be etched into my brain.

it looks like im rambling (i am) but i just cant put into proper sentences how much i love this game it's absolutely fantastic. everything from story to combat to characters is just great and has resonated with me for almost a year now.
god i love this game