So impressed by this game! It balances so many different narratives at once and does so expertly. The fact that the game deals with such a difficult and precarious world (one that mirrors our own and our own individual lives), makes jokes in every direction without becoming cynical, and ultimately imagines a better world no matter how difficult it may be to get there is amazing. Great gameplay interactions, artwork, music, and characters. Loved this one so much.

I really hope this game gets re-released at some point because it slaps! Super reminiscent of PT and some of the earlier Silent Hill games (2 in particular). And similar to Detention it has a really strong sense of time and place.

The feeling of connecting various pieces of observation into a coherent whole that this game delivers is great. Giving the player confirmation after 3 correct matches was also very smart to make sure you feel like you're on the right trail and still making progress. The mixture of old school PC aesthetics, high seas pulp fiction, and a murder mystery narrative investigated by an insurance adjuster works spectacularly. Loved this game.

I so hope this game ends up being enough of a platform for Obsidian to make something truly special but the moralizing narrative structure, lack of interesting other systems (from games like FO3 and NV), and hub-and-spoke towns and quests made for a very rote experience. I remember feeling especially deflated after Monarch. Really wanted to like this game more.

I never ended up playing Rebirth because I was happy enough after playing through this game and didn't feel like I needed more Isaac. But MAN did I love this game.

Really cute and cool game. Loved all the little noises and music. The rhythm of going through lonely, sparse spaces or the louder, foreboding spaces into the dens where people are congregating and creating noise and life was interesting. It really sold this feeling of the city being a dark, alien thing where people managed to (mostly) carve out places for connection and vitality in spite of it.