8 reviews liked by jutlendia

A shining example of a hidden gem. Very cool take on the famous fairytale, combined with fun hack 'n' slash combat.

Wasn't expecting much because it was a game in my steam library I don't remember buying but this game is actually really good. It's got vibes, fun combat and I love Alice's outfit changes every level. Didn't play the first game but the story works even if you didn't play the first one.

A very solid action platformer that has outstanding atmosphere, but leaves some things to desire. This is the second time I've played through this game (the first time being in 2012) and I hardly remembered anything from it besides the last level, so everything felt really fresh! I also ended up getting the platinum in this playthrough as well.

The story is pretty non-sensical as it relies HEAVILY on the first game of the series, American McGee's Alice. that released in 2000 on PC. I have not played this yet, but it would've helped knowing this going into this game. Regardless, the story is the weakest point here and that's about all I'll say about that.

The gameplay is a basic system. You can upgrade your weapons using Teeth, the currency of the game, found all around the 6 levels. The combat system plays by the books here and doesn't reinvent any systems from 2011. Some enemies you must hit with the heavy weapon as they are immune to the light weapon. Same goes for your range weapons, heavy and light, enemy resistances, etc.

The atmosphere and environment design in this game are top-notch though. It's hella fun to see the twisted versions of the familiar world Wonderland. You have the playful Dollhouse level with debris everywhere and discarded doll parts scattered amongst the wasteland of trash which plays well with the colorful dollhouses that have been repaired with obvious spare parts of other houses. Then there's the underwater world that houses a very quaint town called Barrelbottom with fishfolk and a fun aquatic theme. Unfortunately, this doesn't last long as once you return to the town, you'll find the fishfolk mutilated and such with what's left of their bodies on display...

Overall, it's very much a fun game, I just found it barely overstays its welcome in a full play-through.

Foi uma grata surpresa o quão bom esse jogo é, claro que eu sabia pela conversa que era bom, mas somente jogando e colocando a mão na massa que você tem ideia da dimensão que ele se torna.

It takes two joga ideia incrivel atras de ideia incrivel de gameplay na sua cara, fases memoraveis de plataforma dos mais diferentes tipos, você pode acabar passando por fases de varios Mario's durante ele e com uma execução bem a par, em destaco deixo a parte de galaxia que é surreal.

Junte isso a minigames bem bolados, e obviamente jogar com um amigo que tornou a experiencia unica e divertida mesmo nas partes ruins, que são obviamente a historia, contando com um dos piores personagens da historia dos videogames, Joseff Fares fique nos level design por favor.

It takes two é uma excelente experiencia para se ter, muitas horas de diversão garantida com amigos e muitas risadas a se dar do quão cliche a historia é.

A little to the left aplys it's ideas at just the right time, they present a puzzle, than iterate over it and then move on to the next one whiteout overstating it's welcome, it's brilliantly done.
It's a joyfull and comfy ride that leaves you wanting more, and also wanting more cat cameos to pet

Low fi rhythm heaven beats to dream to

Viewfinder is the perfect example of having a coll mechanic idea and turning it into a game, exploring it's full potential without overstaying it's welcome and building interesting elements around it.

You'll explore it's world trough this mechanic, taking pictures to get to the final of the level, simple enough right? and it is, viewfinder always introduces ALL of it's mechanics to the players, allowing them to first learn and them use that knowledge to both solve puzzles the intended way but also their own way and never trying to get the better of the player at any point.
With that solid base the game iterate upon it throughout it's five worlds, each reflecting a different style, mechanic and the person who made it. Then add layers of a captivating narrative, some mind bending puzzle solves, gorgeous looking environments and spray some amazing Easter eggs and especial styles and pictures over it and you'll have your game.

In the end viewfinder gives the players all the tools needed to have the best of times with it, culminating everything you'll learn into a great ending level and a bittersweet but hopeful ending, and don't forget about the best companion, your feline friend Cait!



Fe is not cute. I would not want a Fe as a pet. The songs Fe sings are not pleasant to listen to. I weirdly kind of like that about the game. These feel like "real" animals more than most nature-themed fantasy games.