21 reviews liked by Kageyura

It's criminal to front load the sunk cost of character creation ahead of this.

my friends and i have a running joke where we punctuate discussions of bad games by saying "...and yet it moves."

I charged towards the Mongols on horseback, leapt in the air off my Digital Deluxe horse, attacked the first guy I saw in the middle of a group while airborne, the attack button turned into the assassination prompt as I pressed it, an uncle flashback replayed and called me a coward that strikes from the shadows.

Personal campaign : Paladin Oath of Vengeance - Shadowheart, Gale (Made him use the orb twice), Sir Fuzzalump
Hours Played : 50


Gameplay : Tic Tac Toe

Plot : None

Lore : Marvel + Medieval Fantasy ChatGPT

OST : Down The River
Down The River - Instrumental
Down The River - Summer Mix Compilation

Score : GOTY 🔥

if i could rate this in negatives id give this minus 5

This film is chinese kaimsa shitting his guts after three days of e-sex

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