3 reviews liked by kaiicarus

sorimachichads lets get cocky

Maaaannnnn y'all some bitches, this game is good.

Recommended by Squigglydot as part of this list.

While I'm no stranger to the Touhou franchise, I'd still consider myself pretty uninformed when it comes to the finer details of the whole thing. While I've certainly dabbled with a few of the mainline titles and a couple of high-profile fan games, the majority of my (and if I'm to presume, many others') knowledge of Japan's frontier doujin shmup franchise is from passionate fans and shitposters on the internet. From being one of the most represented fandoms at Comiket, to the deluge of fangames available both unofficially and on actual publisher storefronts, to all that fucking fumoposting, Touhou is as much a product of the fandom as it is the creator, and it's that kind of hands-off approach to copyright enforcement that lets stuff like CBT With Yuuka Kazami exist.

With the absurd title and low price point, first impressions scream "Low Quality Steam Trash™", but when I actually played it, any worries I had going in were dispeled. No frills, no goofs, it's exactly what it says on the tin: Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Yuuka Kazami (of Touhou Project fame!). Yuuka Kazami, rendered in a faithful recreation of ZUN's art style, offers you an extremely elementary crash course on the basics of CBT and how to apply it to your daily life, with examples and activities to really drive the point home. There's an actual heart to the proceedings here that makes it really endearing. It's no substitute for real therapy obviously, but it has a 100% sincere approach to its subject matter and wants you to do your best, which is much more than I actually expected going in. The amount of separation from the source material going on with CBT With Yuuka Kazami is kind of surreal, but I think it's kind of endearing in a way, using characters we are already familiar with to try and help other people. It's something that only comes about due to the unmonitored nature with which the Touhou franchise has been left to grow and prosper, and I'm glad that something like this is allowed to not only exist, but be sold on a global marketplace like Steam without any interference.