Overall it's a solid game. Besides clunky animations that sometimes can put you out of the mood, it's immersive, it's fun, and it's replayable.

As a huge game music fan I gotta give a shout out to this soundtrack as well. Most of the songs fit perfectly into a vibe and I've even found myself playing a few of them while being on the road irl as well. Great choice by the creators.

Not sure if there's much more to say to this. It's truly an experience... unique experience... every time.

Oh my God... loved it!

The story was okay, nothing too fancy, but also nothing terrible. Could be compared to a typical 80s or 90s slasher movie, I guess.

I am not yet sure how 'big' this game really is in terms of unique endings as it was my first playthrough, but I am sure that there's a lot of potential for some quite surprising ones.

As always I gotta write something about the music, it fits the vibe, isn't overused, and doesn't break the mood at all. Overall that's a plus from me.

To be honest, I've read some of the reviews in here before buying and I almost bounced off of this title...
People were saying that the plot is mediocre or even bad, that the characters 'didn't feel real' and stuff.
In my opinion, if you like it in the first few minutes - you'll love it all the way through. It's a certain style of character building that you either love or hate.
It of course also has some things that I didn't really like. But they weren't annoying enough for me to cut even half a star for them. Just a few things I would've done differently maybe.
Like the controls and camera positioning in the prologue or transitions between cutscenes and gameplay.

Also... the gameplay. Maybe it was intended (it almost certainly was) but sometimes the game lets us walk for literally 0,5s after a cutscene, just to immediately begin another one. It felt like watching a movie with QTE in some sections.
Some people would complain about it, some won't. I didn't mind it at all, just thought I'll leave it here..
To summarize. Great great game if you come into it with a proper attitude. Maybe a little too expensive for its length, but I bought it on -90% sale and I'd suggest you to do the same if you got a chance.

Had a great time...

Still a great game even after all this years.

The only things I've found annoying especially considering the last achievement (speedrun one) were poorly responsive controls. This doesn't happen all the time as some sections can feel really really smooth, but I feel like having character react to almost everything around them (like putting hands on the walls or tripping when mashing arrow keys) should be allowed to be disabled as they are just pain in the a when trying to beat the game quickly.
Also, the checkpoints on this game could have been more frequent and more thought off.

For the positive things we have pretty much everything else. Interesting level design and world building,
fun puzzles,
camera work (most of the times),
and of course the detailed climbing animations, which might not be a big of a deal for most people, but I've found them to be an example of devs just not being lazy and paying attention to our immersion.

I won't spoil anything, but if you don't get goosebumps during the ending you might not have a neurosystem.

To summarize: Should you play this game? Yes.
Should you 100% it? Hell no...

One of the, if not THE best level designs I witnessed in game.