The last (for now) entry in The Room series of games, and one I hope future games will continue to build on. The series has gotten larger with each entry, from the small but intricate puzzle boxes of the first to exploring an entire mansion in 3, alongside a much more developed narrative. Old Sins is a bit of a step back in that regard, replacing the cutscenes and multiple endings of the third and replacing them with standard diary entries, but replacing that we get a more intricately designed level space, where puzzles in one room can only be solved by an object from another. It makes the game feel much more complete, makes the doll house that you are exploring seem less like a series of adventure game levels and more a space of its own. I've always felt a bit of longing for a return to the simplicity of the first game, where all you were doing was exploring an complex object, all of its nooks and crannies, and this fourth game comes the closest to recapturing that magic.


Probably the game that kicked off the boomer shooter renaissance, it draws influences from all over while keeping to its classic roots. It doesn't do anything particularly new, but it does keep things engaging at all times, with its level design and weapon variety. The light thematic "story" also serves its purpose, even as it is nothing more than an excuse to change up levels it does gradually shift the tone of the game from Blood to Lovecraft.