This is how I found out Telltale Games is back in business, and Deck Nine is on this gig, so I figured I'd try this game to see if it's any good. Even though I'm not a fan of the Spacey theme, I was curious to see if Telltale made any improvements or upgrades based on their previous games.

The story of the game was okay, and it was easy to follow because I looked up and read that you didn't need to know the lore of the TV series as this story takes place before the show. You could start playing this game right away.

Camina Drummer, the main character's voice actress, was fantastic. It was excruciating at first, but it gradually grew on me. There were likeable characters in the story, and the antagonist was one of my favourites. The controls were trippy and at times confusing, but I liked the Magboots that let you walk on walls.

My initial impression of the game was that it seemed unfinished or lacking something. I couldn't put my finger on it, which bothered me until the end. Some "action" cutscenes, such as opening doors, were unnecessary. They should have made it more interactive in some way. Even when it came to QTEs, there were fewer button prompts used than in previous games.

Another annoying aspect of the game is when you accidentally listen to a log, which stops you from interacting with other things and forces you to wait for it to finish.

I tried playing the DLC story "The Archangel" but gave up halfway through the gameplay because I found it boring.

I've never been a huge fan of space games, but since Telltales is making a comeback with this game—which, to be honest, isn't a particularly good comeback—I decided to give it a try. The gameplay was enjoyable for the most part, despite the okay storyline. It was a little disappointing because I had expected more upgrades and improvements for the gameplay.

I hope to see more Telltale games in the future!

I don't understand some of the negative reviews of this game, I quite enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect or even had one of those triple A games quality but it is playable.

The game takes place on a remoted island called "Glory Island" in the middle of nowhere. You play Jess, who's still dealing with her sister's death and was invited to join the Prismic Science Retreat by her old friend Kim.

Some of the monster designs were impressive, including the final boss. And the level designs for the Gloom realm are the best; the atmosphere they create will give you that spooky, unsettling sense. The weapons used for this game are so creative, you could use salts, essential oils, sage sticks, and others that suit the entire theme. To be honest, the entire concept of this game reminded me of Stranger Things because the opponents appear to be related to the show. Even the music gave me retro vibes.

The combat and crafting systems were subpar. I feel like some of the ingredients are TOO few that sometimes you have no choice but to substitute the rest of the weapons you have (I'm looking at you twigs).

The puzzles were a meh, I mean there weren't a lot of it and its not difficult. I think you just have to keep in mind that there will be enemies appearing whenever you are doing the puzzles which is quite annoying because the supplies are limited too.

When I played this, I got the Spiritual Ending which made me curious about the other two endings, so I had to check it. And I think the ending I got is the best one among the rest, I feel like that's how her story really happened and it adds more points for having a Classic Horror ending.

Despite the negative reviews, I feel like you should try this game whenever you have the chance.

TL;DR, POSSIBLE SPOILERS - Basically you are good Thanos trying to retrieve all these Gem Stones (a.k.a Prism Crystals) from your retreat mates who turned evil because of their traumas to undo a curse - POSSIBLE SPOILERS

I like the vibes and the story of the game. The design for each boss is fantastic especially Skogsrå's design. Some of the boss fights were frustrating to do since you gotta sense how each of the moves and fights first before you beat it, I took a couple of tries of every boss. All I could say for this is that the controls were bad.
And it would've been way cooler if we have multiple endings.


I feel like the game started very well but as soon as you get to the middle of it everything started to down fall.

They had lots of potential to make the game mechanics even better like adding an upgrading system- where you could maybe increase stamina, upgrade your pistol, decrease the "En"/Echo's radius detection, etc...- but they just never added anything else by the end of the game, except for the Super Echo which they added to maybe make it "more challenging" and to prolong the gameplay more.

Slowly, I kinda got boring with playing til the end because of how it gets too repetitive and sometimes annoying.

The main menu is pretty sick though I like what they did with it. I adore the Victorian-type map designs and aesthetics, its very elegant to look at.

Overall, the game was pretty okay I'm just really bummed out that they didn't add more to the gameplay cos they really had potential.

This game has changed my life and will never fail to ball my eyes out. One of the best games I've played before, and now. I guess I could say that I've made better choices now than my first gameplay.

I love the additional changes they've made in this remastered, the facial expressions, the model haul and some, even the environment (I prefer the old Max and Kate model, the rest were fine).
I am just quite annoyed with the lighting throughout the game cause at some point the gameplay was unneccesarily dark. The soundtrack on this game is goated!

And yeah, just to let you know they didn't patch the Barn scene soft-lock-glitch. I had to redo that scene several times until it worked.

To play this game was one of my dreams ever since this got released, and I finally did play it, well I did, although I had to play it on someones PC.
Before anything else I just had to say that the PC Porting of this game is crap, I don't really know how PC Porting works but Naughty Dogs/Sony could've done better. It's so laggy and the frames keep going all over the place.

Anyways, I love this game. I love the story. The characters are pretty memorable, I love the dynamic duo of Joel and Ellie. I am too overwhelmed (in a good way) to even write a full review to this. This game is like the coldness, if you flip your pillow on the other side. The world was never the same when this game got released, it had a huge impact to gamers. And that's the truth. I'll give this one another replay once I get the game for myself.

I'm hoping to play TLOU Part II soon, I'm so excited for the story's continuation (if only I get a PS or maybe they publish a PC Port for it).

PC Port is kinda wonky like its bad for me.

I feel like this is one of DON'T NOD's weakest game right after LiS.
The plot of the game feels unpolished and rushed. There weren't any memorable characters since most of them lack personality.

However, I appreciate the concept of Sam's Mind Palace, and the way he applies it to critical thinking whenever you solving problems.

This review contains spoilers

It's good to be back with the Tekken Series, I'm inlove with all the characters, stage design, and soundtrack of this franchise.

I enjoyed the story mode. It was a tiny bit rushed, but it is all worth in the end. I am still baffled how everyone speaks a different language in this universe, yet they understand one another.
Loved all the new character designs (not you Nina) on this roster especially the True Form of Jin and Kazuya. And don't forget Jin's Angel Form, mesmerized by it.
And yes yes! The 3rd person beat-em-up style is back for the mid chapter of the Story. It has it's ups and lows but it was still favorable.

Not going to lie, it might just be my problem but I hated how some of the fighters were using 'Casual', 'Cute', 'Cool' outfits throughout the story mode. Like they could've made some of the characters wear appropriate attire during battlefield scenes. It was very clashing with the atmosphere and kinda broke my immersion. Speaking of immersion, I am still hoping for them to make the fighting scenarios realistic, by adding blood, marks, and bruises on their body. But hey, I guess they were also trying to make this game appropriate for younger audience, it would've been a cool addition.

Overall, I would never hate Tekken, its my childhood. I can't wait for what comes next in the story and also what extras would they add throughout the several years.

P.S. I will be waiting for that Jun Kazama redemption story!

For it having a basic game style (just like some other horror games out there), I like the vibes that its giving to the players.
The eerieness of the atmosphere, the plain tiled background, the noise of the buzzing lights and the long empty hallway is just so perfect for a subtle horror.

It wasn't pushed to make it seem more scary nor lacked for being scary, it's at the right fine line.

but kudets, wutsinit? wutsinit? wutsinit?