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tendog commented on tendog's review of The Big Catch: Tacklebox
@patteca yup... I can't tell you how many times I had to retry that double wall jump in the starting ruins area with the rails

3 days ago

3 days ago

tendog completed Sephonie

4 days ago

tendog reviewed The Big Catch: Tacklebox
I've already backed this game, as soon as I found out it was basically Yo Noid 2 but as its own full game, I was hooked

Thoughts on the demo:

- Way too much movement introduced at once!
It's all really cool, I love wallrunning/jumping, using the hook, sliding, jumpsliding, bursting out of the water, grabbing hooks, swinging on bars but whoa whoa whoa it's way too much to learn in a tiny little tutorial section! I think the idea was to give you all the movement from the get-go and send you out in the world, but it was a bit overwhelming and I was still not understanding some of the finer points of movement when I was 1 hour+ into exploring the desert.

- It's so dark!
Why is this game so so dark? I appreciate the night/day cycle and what influences that might have on the look/feel of the world - traveling the desert is highly reminiscent of exploring the Great Sea in Wind Waker - but the night is way too dang dark to make discern ledges, ropes, etc from the rest of the darkness. This was one of the hugest pains I had with the demo, I just couldn't see.

- It's so hard!
Whoa, I remember Yo Noid 2 required some genuinely advanced movement, but in a fully polished game I'd hope the difficulty ramps up a little more gradually. Maybe I was just exploring areas out-of-order, but when I encountered the island with the "boss" shooting down missiles at the top, I thought I was approaching the final boss of the demo! Moving as fast as I could, I was barely dodging hits and couldn't find enough cover to pause and take in my surroundings. I kept falling back down, dying, and losing my way in the darkness. When I finally reached the top, I was quite disappointed that the "boss" was actually just a 2 HP enemy with no reward...

All of the artstyle/graphics is fantastic. The feel of the movement is somehow even better than YN2. But I hope the reactions to this demo reels in the devs a bit. I understand this is a work in progress - hence why many areas felt empty - but all the same I hope this demo serves as an opportunity to refine the gameplay so it's more enjoyable for everyone.

4 days ago

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