What can’t be said about Pac-Man that hasn’t been said before? It’s a game where you run in a labyrinth and try to evade 4 ghosts (of names Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde) and eat all the pac-dots and the occasional fruit that appears, fruits that the more you advance through the game will give you more points each time. There are also 4 big dots each level that, after you eat them, will allow you to eat the ghosts and gain more points. Remember, this is a game that’s all about gaining points so try to eat as much as you can

I would Recommend to get it in the Pac-Man Museum+ collection not only because It has been the most recent re-release of the game, but because the challenged they give you in that version give you more to do so you just don't turn it off after a day

I haven't actually played this but I do know a bunch of femboys cried about it so just for that i'm giving it 5 stars

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High on Life disclaimer: YOU WILL NOT LAUGH

I want to beat the living shit out of Lotte

Honestly not as broken as pokemon scarlet and violet

I'm giving this 5 stars only because of Ryuji

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Weon de verdad ya no puedo mas, cada que me sale la inkling en smash me excito demasiado y se me para la tula bien brigido weon, ayer estaba en la cocina y habia cena familiar y puta que tuve que ir con la tula bien parada por que me salio una inkling en el competitivo y ya no se que hacer weon, veo a las inklings y les quiero meter la tula entre las nalgas y darle cachetadas hasta dejarlas rojas de verdad weon me excitan demasiado y quiero chuparles la espalda y que me hagan una paja con ese cabello de calamar no se weon me excito demasiado y eso me afecta en el competitivo ya van 3 partidas que no me tocan y ya no puedo y me tengo que ir al baño a masturbar por que me excito mucho con esos shorsitos de bicicleta weon no se weon me las quiero coger bien duro, cada que las golpeo y hacen esos soniditos que hacen es un placer para mi oido y mi pija y ya no se que hacer ojala me ayuden con mi problema.

extrano cuando Late hacia videos con este juego de fondo

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don't call yourself a gamer unless you've played this

one of my favorites games of all time

shout outs to my boy perrito