oi you got a loiconce for that zombie apocalypse

The best just cause game in the series

much better than insurgency, especially since the RPG spam is gone

great game to play with friends, took me a while to stop looking for rpg's around everycorner in other fps games

depends on how fun your friends are

good game with friends, a lot of the DLC should have been in the base game

fun tank sim, looking forward to hopefully many more updates

someone tried to make a ready or not terrorist hunt game and it worked

starts as a comfy car game ends as a car game

Let me mark new vegas on your map

Good space trucker game, wish it wasn't a total grind fest

great game to play (especially while drunk)

My favourite childhood game, played it relentlessly on PS3

Started slow for me but became one of my favourite games to play with my best friend