Persona 5 Royal you could never be her

unfortunately it always crashes after ante 3 for me so can't rate :(

Phenomenal game but half a star gets docked for the hollow forest and another half gets docked for having a HIGH SCHOOL SANCTIONED BEAUTY PAGEANT WITH A SWIMSUIT SECTION THAT THE TEACHERS PARTICIPATE IN???!?

This is kind of what it feels like to watch La La Land for the first time

That burning pictures level is awesome

Objectively better than awakening even if I do not like it as much, I mean it is 3(4?) times the fire emblem with really awesome characters and writing. Dmitri my beloved

I beat this in the middle of APUSH after AP tests so that was awesome

i tried to speedrun ping pong and realized that i am way out of my depth :sob:

only gets three stars because of the gustavo mod he's awesome

Got a W in hex-a-gone after a year break u bet ur ass i still got it

Wow! This game is very good! Three-dimensional characters that I care about and everything that's crazy. Time to mix drinks and change lives I guess

Did the world map on a plane so that was a cool way to kill time I guess