Going back from Rocket League to this is like feeling you are in bronze again, and on top of that you can't change air roll to LB. 10/10

Not a bad game at all, simply it's clearly not for any seasoned player but for your 5 years old youngster so they can begin to play any kind of game. In that sense, it's a good introductory game but still falls VERY short behind any other of the same kind, put Kirby or Mario.

Simple platforming game that I, like everyone else, can't believe it's completely free. Okay, it's one hour and in essence it's just a basic platformer but the work behind this is insane. The music, the ambient, the pixel art and animations. All them shine by themselves. I won't talk about the story because, even if it's obviously made to set a light darkish tone, it's as well prescindible and non important for the game.

Can agree about how it leaves you wanting more, I hope the people behind this take a step forward and go for a complete experience because this puts them on an amazing start.


All your chores from World of Warcraft, now without dragons!

Extremely mediocre. Even if I love the concept and it has some good ideas, the execution and gameplay is extremely mid.

Incredibly faithful port of the Megadrive version of Virtual Racing. It even has an option to enable the classic horrendous draw distance!

Extremely bad. Handling model is trash, open world is useless and only adds bloat, and the racing itself is awfully boring.