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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 24, 2022

Platforms Played


despite backing this game, it took me until now to complete it (look, the website isn't called frontloggd)

overall i really enjoyed it! a super fun igavania that takes from all his previous titles. lots of fun mechanics and movement abilities, and an expansive, varied castle to explore. fantastic soundtrack too.

biggest qualms with the game were the crowdfunded content and graphics. walking through a gothic castle seeing a bunch of stupid youtubers doing meme faces really took me out of it and had me cringing. and i understand the necessity of having to go 3d. it's cheaper and easier and quicker than doing traditional sprite art. and the environments looked good! but the characters, cutscenes, and most of the enemy models were all atrocious and looks super stilted and cheap

looking past the aesthetics though, the game was a blast, and all the extra modes will keep me happy for a long while, maybe until a more polished bloodstained 2?