12 Reviews liked by ladieswholunch

rami malek i will always save you

this game sucks. ive played thru it 6 times.

Starts off promising, but then devolves into the usual live service repetition. The few cinematic levels are good fun, but most of the game is just you going to recycled labs and enemy bases and punching robots. Some of the heroes are fun to use, but the game was designed to be a grind to encourage more spending, and it shows.

Travis Hackett is sexy. Quite the ride, definitely must experience with friends

whoever decided that 10% of this game should take place in an office building is not seeing heaven

Kassandra is who I wish to be

I would simply choose to not die, but that's just me.

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It was an extremely bold decision to make something that came close to the highs of Until Dawn and then totally fuck it right at the end.

I was praying that I'd maybe gotten the bad ending, or a dodgy route, but no. The trophy popped congratulating me for keeping everyone alive. No resolution whatsoever. No further character interactions of any kind. Instead we are subjected to 30 minutes of credits talked over by two infuriating podcasters mentioning the clues we've picked up throughout the game. It is insufferable. Even if it's meant to be a deliberate joke about annoying true crime pods, it doesn't work because it's still annoying. I'm fuckin' done with "we're doing it on purpose". A wry smile is boring, and worse when you drag it out for half an hour. It genuinely feels like they ran out of money.

Supermassive had lightning in a bottle with Until Dawn, and have been trying to recapture it since. The Quarry had it momentarily, then they dropped the bottle, it smashed, they slipped in dogshit trying to pick it up and landed face first in the shards.

if they ask me to do the splits one more goddamn time i'm gonna split some skulls

It was pretty a-okay. It was rather lacking in the actual "Tomb Raiding" department, but not bad by any means.