439 Reviews liked by lavabro

she wall on my flesh till my mode is hard

I was really skeptical at first, but it's actually pretty fire

Bro my first run took like 17 hours I think I might be a little disabled

fun when it works. Just don't play it with your brown friend

wizards in action but tetris

feel like I just snorted all the drugs at once

I just beat this game for a substory in Yakuza Kiwami 2

I can put Speed Star in this game so it's a 5/5

I actually got the good ending this time

A Gem Revisited:

Pokemon Diamond, originally released in 2006 for the Nintendo DS, marked the beginning of the fourth generation of the beloved Pokemon series. As a nostalgic classic, it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of Pokemon fans worldwide. In this in-depth review, we will explore the various aspects of Pokemon Diamond, from its gameplay mechanics to its story and overall impact on the franchise.

Gameplay (9/10):
Pokemon Diamond maintains the core gameplay mechanics that have made the series a hit for over two decades. Players embark on a journey to become a Pokemon Champion, capturing, training, and battling with a wide variety of Pokemon. The fourth generation introduced several noteworthy improvements, such as the Physical/Special split, which added depth to battles by categorizing moves based on their damage type rather than their elemental type.

The addition of the Global Trade System (GTS) allowed players to trade Pokemon with others worldwide, enhancing the sense of community within the game. The Underground feature, which enabled players to mine for items and set up secret bases, was another welcome addition, offering hours of enjoyable distractions.

Graphics and Art Style (7/10):
While Pokemon Diamond was a significant graphical improvement compared to its predecessors, it falls short of the visual standards set by more recent entries in the series. The sprite-based graphics do not showcase the full potential of the Nintendo DS hardware, and character animations are somewhat limited.

However, the Sinnoh region's diverse landscapes and the design of new Pokemon species were a highlight. The art style captures the essence of the Pokemon world, with unique and imaginative creature designs that continue to charm players.

Story and Narrative (8/10):
Pokemon Diamond's narrative follows the standard formula of a young trainer embarking on a journey to collect Gym Badges and thwart the plans of a nefarious organization, Team Galactic. While the story may not be groundbreaking, it does introduce some intriguing concepts related to the creation of the Pokemon universe.

The inclusion of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina adds depth to the lore and makes the player feel like a true hero in the Pokemon world. The game's pacing is generally well-executed, although some may find the story a bit predictable due to the franchise's formulaic nature.

Sound and Music (9/10):
Pokemon Diamond boasts an exceptional soundtrack that enhances the overall gaming experience. The memorable tunes, from the catchy battle themes to the calming melodies of towns and routes, contribute to the game's immersive atmosphere. The use of different musical themes for day and night cycles also adds a layer of realism to the game world.

The nostalgic factor of hearing these tunes can't be overstated, and many fans continue to hold a special place in their hearts for tracks like the iconic Route 209 theme.

Replayability (10/10):
One of Pokemon Diamond's strongest aspects is its replayability. With a vast world to explore, numerous Pokemon to catch, and various post-game activities, players can easily sink hundreds of hours into the game. The Battle Tower, competitive battling, and hunting for Legendary Pokemon provide plenty of endgame content.

Additionally, the availability of multiple starter Pokemon and the choice of different team compositions make it tempting to replay the game to experience a fresh adventure.

Pokemon Diamond may show its age in terms of graphics and animation, but it remains a classic in the Pokemon franchise. Its engaging gameplay, memorable soundtrack, and vast post-game content make it a title that fans continue to revisit. While newer entries have raised the bar in terms of visuals and storytelling, Pokemon Diamond's enduring charm cements its place as a gem in the series that fans old and new can still enjoy.