decidedly the worse version of the gen 7 games, but i still find a place in my heart for this. worth playing even if just for the way better lusamine story arc (and also for "y'all are stupid!")

NOTHING IN THE FRANCHISE IS EVER COMING CLOSE TO THIS ONE. and yes i realise a lot of this opinion revolves around nostalgia, but isnt that the case for every single pokemon fan's favourite game ever? ahhhhh i love alola so damn much and i am so happy these games exist to fully realise the devs' vision... i've played through it so so so many times... shoutout to when it was revealed hau was the final boss and i honest to god cried because i loved hau so much when i was 13

it is mid as fuck, sir. HOWEVER i do think people demonised this one waaaayyyyy too much at launch. what do i care that the trees arent photorealistic??

i need to give this game a fairer shot because i played this on an emulator that deliberately sabotaged pokemon games. so my version was so so so fucking slow and had at least one game-breaking bug that would occur completely at random and it really brought the entire experience down

dont bother. play platinum. i remember i played this as a child and when i realised the league was several levels above the final gym i did not even care to finish the game

another one in the "need to give it a fairer shot" camp because when i was about 14 years old i lost to cyrus in the distortion world and had neglected to save the game before. so it sent me all of the goddamn way back to eterna city and i went NO FUCKING WAY AM I GOING TO CLIMB MT CORONET AGAIN ARE YOU KIDDING ME and dropped it then and there

[watched a friend play it]

translation was absolutely atrocious (unfinished, inconsistent, full of errors, localised shit that was already localised and made everything confusing, downright incomprehensible at times, everything that could go wrong did) and really held back my enjoyment, but this stuff aside i actually had a great time! the ensemble cast i didn't think was as strong as an "official" danganronpa game has them, but i could definitely see value in this

it was good i'm just too stupid for it

i played a little bit and it couldn't grip me. maybe someday

i guess i should've expected it from a game named "boyfriend" dungeon but only one girl... srsly..........
also combat was kinda whatever

singlehandedly added 100 hours to my acnh playtime. GOD i wish they hadn't dropped the game after because this was FANTASTIC

[played the remaster on xbox one]

as soon as i realised this one was incompatible with my playstyle i had to go. i'm glad arkane learned their lesson