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Yeah I can’t bring myself to finish this one.

Really, really loved the original Legend of Zelda when I played it a few years ago but this one doesn’t do anything for me. It took a few hours and one palace before I started getting into the groove of things, but it’s just so punishing and unforgiving that it really started to drag.

Kudos to anyone that can/has beat this without save states. I accepted death gracefully for a while but honestly the death mountain maze broke me. It’s like the least fun version of the lost woods maze ever conceived, the trial and error made all the more frustrating by the ridiculous combat.

For some reason, each enemy feels as though they’re conveniently one or two pixels out of Link’s reach – but Link is, somehow, ALWAYS one or two pixels within an enemy’s reach. No matter how many times I pushed forward it never felt like I could consistently hit some enemies. Couple that with the overwhelming amount of enemies on screen at any given time, and it becomes impossible to prioritize or react to enemy attacks unless you’re playing in the most methodical, boring way possible, or cheesing hardcore.

There’s like ten other reviews that put this into better words than I could.

I don’t think I’m coming back to this unfortunately. Genuinely unpleasant experience.