Played this a lot as a kid. I spent most of my time messing around and crashing into other cars (i yearned for gta)

The soundtrack was pretty awesome. It gets stuck in my head still, years later. I was a pretty big fan.

It's a miracle this port even manages to exist, which I have to give credit for. Still, the GBA simply isn't the right platform for this style of game. The misery I've felt trying to play through the levels with the limited control I have is immense.

At least the minigames were entertaining! Bowling was by far my favorite.

I've learned that I'm comically bad at Sonic games, somehow.

I can't find myself getting bored of this game, though that might just be because I have an insane attachment to cats.

It's cute! Really cute! Played it a lot as a kid, so there's definitely a nostalgia factor kicking in. My biggest problem with the game is mostly due to how poor the Kinect functioned, which irritated me to no end while playing. Still, it was fun. If I could, I'd go back and just play with cute Xbox cats for the rest of my life.

I really want to like this game, I really do. But playing it gives me a massive headache, and I keep getting lost. Maybe one day I'll finish it.

There really isn't a lot to say about this game! I played it mostly as a kid, so it's wrapped in childhood nostalgia in my mind. Still, I thought it was super cute for what it is. Incredibly simple, but charming, in a way.

Seriously a hidden gem in the world of Xbox 360 games. My siblings and I always had a blast playing Charlie Murder. The dedication to the aesthetic design is what I enjoyed most out of this game. I've never seen a game so passionate and wholly about punk rock. Hell, the soundtrack only makes it all better. The OST for this game was insane—a variety of harsh, grungy, punk rock songs with strong instrumentals, a touch of electronica, and grating screams. It's awesome.

The gameplay was pretty typical for a beat 'em up, but I still thought it was fun. Plus, other game elements, like the rhythm minigames and emphasis on character fashion, really tie everything together. I think Charlie Murder is criminally underrated.

I had a nightmare about this game once

I'd heard a lot of good about this game, but I avoided it for a while because Rhys pissed me off. I'm glad I finally played it, though, because the story is great!

People love this game—no wonder. Plenty of fans call it the best game in the series, and there's definitely a reason for it. Quirky-but-entertaining characters, a charming soundtrack, strong aesthetic design, fun gameplay, a /very handsome/ antagonist. There's a lot of deserved praise to give.

I was always off-put by the difference in atmosphere between this game and its prequel. The first game had such a solitary vibe to it, while the second was rife with a fun cast. This gives Borderlands 2 a charm that the series initially lacked. Plenty of the NPCs will stick with you, just because they're lovable and unforgettable.

The gameplay is sick, too. Various guns—87 bazillion according to devs, LOL—each of which with different modifiers, features, and even elemental abilities. There's a playstyle for everyone, and it's fun to find new styles of gameplay that work well for you. I personally like playing as the Assassin and Siren classes most.

Maybe I've got a bit of bias, since I grew up playing this game, but it's so distinct from anything else in the series—that makes it special to me.

There's this serenity to it. The NPCs you meet can only be interacted with so much before you have to leave them behind and move on with the game, and for that reason it's an isolating experience. But that isolation isn't lonely or painful. You're a vault hunter, little more than a mercenary, and the planet you live on simply isn't the place for a social simulator. Really, you spend most of your time doing quests, traveling the vast borderlands, collecting loot, and shooting baddies. Alongside an awesome, ambient soundtrack in the background, this game establishes a strong atmosphere for Pandora and sets a tone for the rest of the games. While, technically, it's far from the highest quality game in its series, I think it's essential to understand just what Borderlands is. For that reason, it's special!