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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 14, 2023

First played

January 20, 2023

Platforms Played


Fire emblem engage has the most unfortunate release I've seen. After being delayed for 2 years and constantly being compare to three houses this game already had a really bad start. Instead of focusing on a wider narrative and more developed character, it tackles the main gameplay in a phenomenal way.

The combat might be the same og fe gameplay but with the additions of rings and the break system really helps itself stand out among the rest. Maddening was an amazing experience instead of being bombarded with constant reinforcements or enemies with inflated stats, the enemies were difficult to deal with but not impossible to beat. Bosses having extra lives is a great change which I hope they can keep in later games, felt more challenging than just ending turn in front of them.

While I am a monastery hater I don't really think the somniel fixed the problems it had. It was like instead of taking 30 minutes in the monestary now its 25 minutes in the somniel. Of course its all optional but I tried to optimize as much as I could in both games but the monestary was taking more time seeing what the characters would say in vs optimizing gameplay in the somniel. Pick your poison I guess. They really got it right with My Castle.

Story was decent at best it has a couple good moments towards the end but really just the power of friendship and everyone loves the protag. Supports were fine some stand out like ivy and panette and some less like celine talking about tea for the millionth time.

I really wish this game wasn't compared to three houses so much they both handle different fe aspects differently. Personally I prefer gameplay over story so I am bit bias but this game is really fun and I enjoyed my time playing it. In the end there's only one game that has goldmary so engage >>>>>>>>> three houses