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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 4, 2023

First played

May 14, 2023

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

Going into this game I thought how in the world would they top the first botw and here we are. This game takes the original botw and adds so much more content. The biggest change from the first game is the zonai building. You collect capsule that contain different objects which you can use to build pretty much anything you want. From building a car to a making a krorok torture device anything means anything. All your creations can be used for exploration or combat, this game gives you the freedom to do allot you couldn't do in the base game. Combat is pretty much the same instead of having a weapon break every few hits now you can fuse materials to various weapons so it can break in a few hits. The story felt like such an upgrade to the first seeing the flashbacks from zelda were heartbreaking. The regional quest not so much they were okay but not anything that the first game didn't do. The bosses felt like such an upgrade compare to the blight enemies. The temples were more appealing than in the first which I missed from the older games. Seeing all the old characters come back was a treat, Paya and sidon the goats fr.
Although I really like this game it does have big problems that bring this game down. The sages powers feel like such a downgrade to the champions powers. Having to chase around the sages instead of pressing a button is awful. It could of easily been fixed by having a button mapped to it. Another big problem I have was the dragon memories. This game is built on letting the player have as much freedom as possible so skipping the impa quest to find the order off the memories is bound to happen. Getting spoiled on the story because you didn't do a quest feels counterintuitive from what the game lets you do. Fortunately for me the only ones I saw didn't have as much spoiler's as the others but its still a bad way to handle the memories. The sky islands were pretty disappointing other than the tutorial area it all felt bland and repeated the same puzzle. Ganondorf also felt bland, it sucks because his design is so good. They've shown us that they can make ganondorf into more than just an evil character.
Even with all the things I didn't enjoy it was all outweighed by how good everything else was. It just goes to show how good this game is.
Also mipha>>>>>>paya