TNT: Started good but ended bad
Plutonia: A pain in the ass

Someday I will try to complete it, and so far it was a good game but a bad Doom.

Not as good as Doom 1 and 2 but it's fun.
The monsters new designs are pretty good (The pinky demon is my favorite) except for the Pain Elemental. Loved the dark atmosphere, music and sound design too, but not a fan of the level design.

Coming from playing Doom this was hard, but after a while trying to learn how to use all my arsenal properly, it was a bit easier.
The monsters design and weapons were one of my favorite things of this game.
Good game, and a bit challenging one for me.


I haven't completed the game yet, but so far it's a masterpiece. Loved the gameplay, atmosphere, soundtrack, weapons, monsters, EVERYTHING.

For me it is not on the same level as the classic trilogy, but it is still a good game, a love letter to the genesis era games.

First Touhou game I played, and it was hard af but pretty fun tho, and the soundtrack is very good (also i haven't unlocked the extra stage yet)

i havent played this game in a long time, so im going to see if this time i can finally beat it (im playing it in 1.12.2 btw)