this is a certified hood classic

Someday I will try to complete it, and so far it was a good game but a bad Doom.

One of the many great games that marked my childhood.

I've never felt so eager to explore in a game... Masterpiece 10/10

Not as good as Doom 1 and 2 but it's fun.
The monsters new designs are pretty good (The pinky demon is my favorite) except for the Pain Elemental. Loved the dark atmosphere, music and sound design too, but not a fan of the level design.

TNT: Started good but ended bad
Plutonia: A pain in the ass

GTA's transition to 3D was great, and obviously compared to the games that followed after it like Vice City or San Andreas, it is rougher and still retains the essence of being more arcadey like the 2D GTA games. Here the missions are hard af, all the gangs wants you dead, and police cars are fast as shit. Also don't expect much from the story, it's not a big deal.
Besides, I also have a lot of love for the game because it was the first GTA I played (I played the PS2 port when I was a kid).

GTA 3 but better.
The characters, soundtrack, story, everything in this game is a great improvement over what GTA 3 was.

I prefer the level design of this game, HM1's is great but for me this one is better and is more fun to make combos here.

This was my entry to the JJBA series and it was fucking awesome.