Fun for a bit, with great combat but no engaging story, poor level design and gameplay can get repetitive. I also hate the type of difficulty settings this game has, which do nothing but make the enemies more or less bullet spongey and do the opposite for you, not really offering any interesting changes and making the higher difficulties so unbelievably difficult the only reason to try and complete the game on them is if you hate both yourself and having fun.

The story was once again unengaging and once again I didn’t actually care about any of the characters. Nothing really changed gameplay wise even from the first of the reboot series 6 years prior to this, except stealth and making upgrading weapons and abilities needlessly complicated and unintuitive. The side missions were all pretty boring and pointless too. And the story felt extremely confused and tonally inconsistent, like it was trying to go for dark and gritty and lighthearted and upbeat at the same time. It’s a shame that a reboot series with such potential is ultimately so mediocre and forgettable. Just one big disappointment really.

Probably my favourite of all the reboot series. The gameplay is pretty fun, but there’s just too much shooting at wolves for me. The story is okay, but I find it hard to really care about any of the characters, deaths did not have any effect on me, as I didn’t even know enough about the characters to care about them, sometimes I didn’t even know their name. Upgrading weapons was an interesting mechanic, I just wish the other two kept it as simple as this one, as it later becomes pointlessly overly complicated. Overall though, just not as good uncharted.

Just plain mediocre. It’s fun seeing different perspectives of the apocalypse, but there was no way characters were going to be developed anywhere near enough for anyone to care with the little time they got.

Just a bit shit really, but the campaign had it’s moments. The majority of this games sales were probably due to the game coming with modern warfare remastered.

A classic, but let’s be honest, it’s not that great.

The tank game and shooting game are really fun, but the game just doesn’t have very much to offer, it is just a tech demo after all.

The story felt uninspired and was just dull. While the improved hack and slash combat from god of war 3 was present, by this point it was getting really repetitive. The boss battles with Furies are underdeveloped too and were disappointing. The settings are visually quite impressive, the prison of the damned more than the others, but they weren’t enough to save what was more of the same gameplay wise with a story that was uninteresting.

In my opinion the weakest of all the god of war games. The gameplay doesn’t do anything new and the story is a little boring. I had to even take a break from the game at one point, as it just wasn’t engaging at all. I can’t really remember very much about it, which says more about the game than a detailed review ever could really.

Much better than chains of Olympus, however I think by this point the hack and slash combat of god of war was getting a little repetitive and unfortunately this means that the game can feel like a bit of a chore to get through sometimes. The story for this game is still really good though and it’s impressive that this was made for the PSP.

Although I liked the story of this game, I always preferred the first. The levels were just as fun as they were in other Lego games, but I would have liked the other super heroes to be included a little bit more. Considering how much of a milestone this was for Lego games (first to have actual dialogue) it’s good that we got something that isn’t forgettable.

Never really had much fun playing this, not much has changed gameplay wise from the third and although the villain is good, the story really isn’t.

Fans of the fable series seem to really hate this game. But I loved it, and I’m not ashamed to say that. The missions and characters were fun, the well known voice actors all did an excellent job and overall this game is just really fun to play. There are lots of things to discover, lots of unique weapons to acquire and unique ways to upgrade them and hundreds of people that you can interact and spam the fart thing interaction with. The humour in this game is just so perfect, I wish more games would incorporate a similar style. Although the ending can be broken if you just buy all the property and rent it, allowing you to make more money than you could ever possibly need, I still had a blast playing this game.

Nothing really changed from the third one, a couple new mechanics, but nothing to add hours of fun gameplay. The story was bad too, not just normal bad, but bad by just cause standards, and that’s really bad.

If you like destroying stuff, this game is great. There are lots of mechanics that are fun to play around with, but unfortunately like every other just cause game it gets repetitive and therefore boring pretty fast, with no engaging story to help keep you interested or want to progress.