Played for the gamerscore stayed for Kaitlyn Dever

Officially fixed me and my homies divorce.

For real though this game is fantastic and very deserving of its GOTY title. The way it’s able to combine so many different genres of games so seamlessly was refreshing. It also has the perfect balance of having to work together while also letting the players compete many times throughout the game. Perfect for couples, friends and even siblings, I can only imagine the arguments that would’ve started with my brother if we played this as kids.

I can’t believe I let this sit unplayed for so long. I’m a big fan of the super gritty atmosphere and setting of this game. Also I didn’t realize how dark the story would be, I did have the high chaos ending so maybe that’s why. Im hoping the second one is as good as this was. But first I’m gonna play through the 2 DLCs.

I was NOT expecting this to be so creepy. Pretty solid co-op escape room game though! Would definitely recommend.

Cute little puzzle game where you grow flowers and sit on benches. Has a decent variety between the puzzles so it doesn’t get repetitive. A simple 100% that takes roughly 4 hours. (give or take)

It’s decent. Better than I expected. Easy to get lost in but the quests do get repetitive at times. As much as I don’t wanna compare you can very much feel the Fallout vibes. Also gave me Starfield vibes funny enough. Definitely worth playing if you’re looking for a simple enough rpg with a good enough story.

In all honesty I only played this for gamerscore at first after seeing it on gamepass but I actually had a great time, this game is so damn cute. Similar to Untitled Goose Game in some ways but with a cat so it’s 100 times better. There are tedious tasks to do all around the city that keep you busy throughout the playtime to where you can get sidetrack very easily but in the best way.

Unfortunately released with a few bugs so I was locked out of getting 100% for about 2 weeks but the devs were quick to patch any bugs they found, it just took a little longer for the patch to go through on Xbox.

Would definitely recommend if you are looking for a cozy game night or simply just looking for easy gamerscore.

One of the best “cozy puzzle” games out right now. The DLC is also a solid expansion. A pretty simple 100% and all achievements if you are willing to do a mindless 30 second puzzle for 100 days. Also cat so plus points.

This was my second attempt at playing this game. The first I tried to play solo and was quickly humbled so maybe half a year later I returned with a homie and wow did that change things. Not only did the game get easier, but man was it that much more fun. If I didn’t play this with a friend I don’t know that I would’ve gotten through it.

It is very repetitive, I feel as if the different locations throughout the game are really similar and don’t offer enough fresh scenery and putting that with some copy and paste missions leads to the game feeling super mundane, but playing with a friend and just goofing around made up for that. I was also kind of disappointed with the story. I feel as if they don’t do a great job at telling you what the point is of what you are doing unless you are willing to read every single mission tab but I found myself forgetting to do that most of the time.

Luckily for Borderlands its art style and overall themes and humor carry this first installment. I do still have the DLC to mess around in but for now I’m glad to say I can move on to Borderlands 2 which I have high hopes for.