25 reviews liked by maerubyann

Although another in the series with not much else to add, it sure as hell lowers the bar from the previous two in a huge way.
Its level designs are awkward and not enjoyable to play through, the music is even more awkward and disconcerting, almost giving you a headache by the end of each stage. This game is like a bad impression of the first two (more the second) and executed abysmally..

How did they even get the graphics worse, you tell me!

This mind-bender uses physics based puzzles that enable to player to use gravity, momentum and leverage to logically navigate through 19 perplexing levels.
Originally made as an additional side game to Half-Life 2's Orange Box, Portals sterile research facility and only the HAL-esque computer GLaDOS for company, makes this a captivating yet chilling sci-fi experience which entices right to the end reaching its culminating twist..

Simply put, before Black Mirror there was Portal..

Urghh.. Would it be possible to make these Final Fight knock-offs anymore repetitive? It seems so...
Countless tedious fights with the exact same villains, same backdrops being looped over and over etc etc..
It wouldn't be so bad if the enemies were easier to defeat, or there was a smoother playstyle other than the clunky single attacks on offer...
The background detail is nice in most stages with a diverting vigorous animation style similar to Metal Slugs, its just a shame the enjoyability only lasted 3 levels, then after that was sheer punishment!..

This is generally pleasing for a mobile side-scrolling platformer. Solid gameplay with lots of interesting upgrades for swords, armour and relics to discover.
Its different worlds also packs good variety, from the great forest to the lost city, this adventure always gives something extra to look forward to.

Having played previous instalments of the series, I feel this one gives the biggest range of gameplay styles with relation to scenarios and conquests spanning through WW2 to the Cold War and Modern War skirmish modes.
With simple improvements in graphics and colour-coding countries via the world map, makes this game a lot more visually compelling alongside its renowned engrossing strategy gameplay.

Irrelevant of its intricate puzzles and alluring gameplay which slightly expounds upon the first in physics conundrums and storyline, I’m just a-little confused as to what the mood was supposed to be in this experience?
With the voice acting input of comedian Stephen Marchant and the continuously ironical human sarcasm from GLaDOS, this game feels more like a silly parody of the first with overbearing humour that detracts from any kind of stark acerbity that Portal 1 created..

I appreciate its graphical updates and game modes including co-op play introducing the idea of 2 portals. Along with the single player mode expanding on its physics mazes and riddles alongside its more traditional storytelling. Though it really does just leach off of the first and unfortunately like so many modern movies, just turn their sequels/reboots into quirky mockeries of their popular, more intellectually concise original.

Simply put, this is a sci-fi puzzle game with lots of misplaced comedy..

Mixing Street Fighter/Final Fight game mechanics with bright colourful animations and backdrops.. Simplistic addictive button bashing at its most fun.
I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Entertaining but chaotic as arcade games can be.. - and that’s saying something!
A little overbearing with the baseball theme also..

A limited but fun shoot em up game revolving around different birds-eye view maze levels including zombies/axe murderers/poisonous plants and more pitted against you whilst you find and rescue all the neighbours in each zone..
Its challenging at times, fun and has a reasonably diverse range of levels keeping it fresh.

There isn't much else to add, just basic entertaining zombie madness, oh yeah and one massive baby!

Taking a lot of elements from Sonic 1, this sequel does a wonderous job bringing back the quick and thrilling loop de loop lovability but also giving us more in terms of varied level themes, faster playstyle and the addition of playing co-operatively.
The stage designs are intricately flawless, each with their own distinct gimmickry, catchy music and tonal theme, all with different unique maze compositions to enjoy. Its an adrenaline fuelled rush right until the end..

What I also like is that it doesn't try to flat out copy the first, but creates its own feel. Its a lot easier generally with a more fluid playstyle, it ultimately creates its own whirling arcade identity using the foundations given to it.

This is how you make sequels!