Game is great, very reminiscent of many great classic games like megaman, shovel knight, super metroid etc. The gameplay is fun, the platforming is crisp and the game has a really good difficulty curve; It felt challenging, but always fair and it never got too difficult. The map is huge with plenty of secrets and places to explore. it's a proper metroidvania map too, too many metroidvanias i've played use small cordoned off sections of the map laid out in a grid and don't feature the sort of interconnectedness and intracacy that makes exploring those maps fun. Highly recommend if you're at all interested in the metroidvania genre because this game has some real legs.

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Rise is the latest monster hunter, The game really combines a lot of the really good elements from World and MHGU. My only real gripe is the game was somewhat lacking in content at launch. And the game lacks a lot of quality of life options from World, like visible sharpness bars in the smithy. Palamutes are a downgrade from the tailriders and the maps feel far more confusing and annoying to navigate. There's suprisingly not too much else i have to say. if you like monster hunter you probably already were going to get this game anyway. There's something to be said about just keeping up with the fandom by playing the latest release.