This game had very ambitious and interesting ideas, but the hardware of the time made all these ideas impossible to be well implemented. You can play as Batnipples, Robinipples, and Batgirl, roam through Gotham, visit landmarks and places that are open during specific hours, and follow the plot. The ideas were great, but the graphics were bad, gameplay was awful, and enemies were frustrating to fight against. It hit all the wrong notes. A really bad game, unfortunately.

A very unique experience in the video game world. It has a very good subjective narrative, enemies, ambiance, and of course, soundtrack. The gameplay is a little clunky; it won't take away from the experience, but it's noticeable. One of the best games of all time and a very original one. A must-play on every console.

A very fun beat 'em up that honors the classic game and brings a new fresh taste to the series. Choose one of the four turtles and their friends and play through 16 stages with colorful scenarios and a good soundtrack. The game is fun to play alone, but it truly shines in multiplayer. Play it; you will have fun, but it will be even better if played along with a friend

This is the final and best experience of the classic Mortal Kombat games. It takes everything from the original trilogy and mixes it into one game. Everything in this game is right where it should be - characters, stages, and gameplay. There's nothing more to praise or complain about; it's an awesome game, simple as that.

My favorite One Piece game to this day and a great game in general. It's a sequel/expansion of the 'Grand Battle' game, with a fun story mode and a lot of side content to explore. The gameplay is average, the roster is good, and the stages are very fun. The downside is that the game is missing some characters, and I felt that this game could have included cutscenes or a more narrative way to end the chapters in the story mode. A great One Piece game and a good arena fighting game

A PS2 game disguised as a PS4 game. The structure, mechanics, and gameplay all look and feel dated. Loading times and even the static images with voices narrating the story mode are reminiscent of older generations of games. Skip this game; there isn't much going on here

An average game that almost falls into the 'bad' category. It's a generic RPG with a long introduction, repetitive dungeons, and an annoying exploration system. It borrows many ideas from other games but executes them poorly. Play it only if you want to dive deep into the Digimon franchise.

Terrible game. Awful controls and an annoying soundtrack. I'm not familiar with American wrestling in general, but I bought this game because i heard it had unusual caharcters and to have a cool experience like the SNES games. However, I found myself disappointed with the game overall. I played it once and never played it again.

A good casual basketball game. There is limited character creation content, and creating a custom team is also somewhat limited, but it's acceptable. The idea of playing with all-stars from other generations is pretty cool. A solid game.

One of the best Naruto games of all time, the merit of this entry is in having combined the content from its predecessors and made small adjustments to it. Some characters are overpowered - which is normal in anime games - but they are enjoyable to play. There is a variety of game stages, the story mode is engaging, and the soundtrack is good. It's an excellent Naruto game.

A solid game overall, but it doesn't excel in any area, and it's very noticeable how some game elements don't mesh well with others. It has good gameplay, an average story with predictable twists, and the open world isn't fully open, which clashes with the need for speed in the narrative. The game truly shines when exploring tombs and in the third act when things delve more into 'ancient site exploration.' It's a good game, not great, but a good game in general.

One of the best games of all time , this is a must play for everyone. Good game, with a superb pacing, good controls, a good variety of scenarios, situations and enemies, makes this game more than memorable. Good experience and good extra content.This is peak resident evil and peak gaming in general.

"Holy misandry, Batman!" Wow, I've never seen a video game be so biased against men (objectively and subjectively) in my entire life. It's an open-world game set in a post-apocalyptic USA with robots replacing animals, and humans living in tribes with their own conflicts and little information about the previous hi-tech world. You play as a native girl named Aloy and journey through her rite of passage from her tribe to explore the world and discover more about the world around her and herself. The gameplay is quite simplistic but efficient, with a variety of weapons and strategies to defeat the machines, making an effort to avoid the common pitfall of repetition found in many open-world games.

The most noticeable point here is that the developers prioritize the story and message above all other aspects of the game. This game explicitly tells and shows that women are portrayed as smarter, cleverer, stronger, and nobler, while men are depicted as evil, slow, envious, and mediocre. Additionally, capitalism and males are to blame for everything, while communism is praised in the game's texts.

Come on, we know this game is European, right?
Play it only if you have a strong affinity for extreme leftism and cinematic Sony games.

you know... I wonder when these socialist game developers will stop accepting payment in currency and start being paid with hugs... just saying...

One of the worst games I've ever played in my entire life; it's utterly unfinished. It's absurd how this was allowed to be released, and I could not believe the fact that this game is a sequel to one of the coolest games on PSP - Gladiator Begins - and doesn't even have half of the content the previous game has. In this game, you create your character, follow some missions, and fight generic monsters on generic stages. There is only a story in text, customization is limited, and the enemies are repetitive. It's a bummer; don't play this game.

One of the coolest fighting game around and one of the best tekken experiences ever made, this game is very good. Great variety of characters, arcade endings, fighting scenarios and customization make this game a full complete Tekken experience. This game don't have many flaws if you play casually, but i have to say that i can't stand the soundtrack, it's too loud and too annoying. Put the BGM volume down and enjoy this all time classic.