basically jackass with skateboards. the story is fun but gets a bit too much sometimes with gross out missions and special moves. however the sheer abundance of maps to play on and most expansive move set to date make this probably the last great tony hawk game before project 8 happened and things started going downhill (jam)

fuck eric sparrow bro all my homies hate eric sparrow

after thps4's carrer mode changes were well recieved, this was bound to happen, and oh boy is it good. story gets a bit cheesy at times but are you really expecting a super hardcore, serious story from a tony hawk game? you can ride a dune buggy during a kiss concert and trick over a helicopter just fuckin enjoy the damn thing. there aren't as many maps in other games but this is more than made up with through the sheer size of them, both horizontally and vertically. create a trick lets you make some ridiculous moves which is both great and awful depending on how you use it. overall a fantastic experience. eric sparrow is the harbringer of death

a truly fascinating experience to play through in 2020. this is what they thought would be the future of platformers, huh? astonishing.


one of the best platforming games ever, no question. a seemingly endless amount of hard as nails levels alongside a level editor, rock solid gameplay and physics, and an amazingly satisfying momentum system that feels amazing to pull off. best enjoyed on the nintendo switch to fit it's episodic format on the go