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maradona commented on maradona's review of Dramatical Murder
Anything toxic for me is now 👎

1 day ago

maradona finished Butterfly Soup 2
I find it extremely comforting even after 12 years, Brianna Lei still thinks that the Titanic flute meme is the funniest shit of all time.

4 days ago

maradona finished Butterfly Soup
It's so unapologetically 2016 meme inspired in its presentation that I can't help but love it, its like an innocent gay little time capsule back when people where beginning to use the word "dank" sincerely, which is generally more endearing than funny.

However, I would be lying if I said I wasn't regularly laughing in an uncontrollable matter whenever Akarsha would starting doing shit in their group chat, she's the best character ever written.

6 days ago

maradona completed Yokaiware

7 days ago

maradona reviewed Yokaiware
Tentando ser mais construtiva, e ao custo de soar meio rude porque o único outro comentario desse joguinho é do dev, e considerando o score alto eu imagino que sejam de outros que também trabalharam / acompanharamo o projeto... eu achei bem frustrante que os minigames duram tipo entre 5 a 20 segundos.

Achei que tirou toda a graça dos warioware, de trazer bagulhetes curtinhos que duram a mesma duração lá meio papum e dai parte do próximo após os reclames do plim plim. Essa inconsistência de tempo, somada a uma variedade baixa de só 7 joguinho por circuito e sem nenhum tipo de speed up, acho que poderia ser bem melhor trabalhada. A arte e musiquinhas ficaram show, isso eu não tenho do que dizer.

7 days ago

maradona is now playing Butterfly Soup

8 days ago

maradona completed Bird Pro Skater
I already have a bias for birds and skate so when I saw another game like that that is set in Brazil on the Steam Sale, I couldn't help myself.

It's the second bird themed asset flip scam that I fall for this week. I'm not immune to propaganda...

9 days ago

maradona followed ponett

10 days ago

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