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SCP-106 - Keith Chegwin

SCP-106 is a sapient entity or entities capable of initiating and exerting control over anomalous phenomena on Earth and in all regions of space observable thus far by modern scientific methods. SCP-106 is hostile, and is believed to be motivated by a desire to cause profound distress and suffering to humanity on a planetary scale. The methodology of SCP-106 in achieving this goal appears to include undermining large-scale human institutions and specifically eroding belief in a rational consensus reality.

Anomalous activity has been documented by the Foundation since its inception in ████, and evidence exists of such activity dating back to the beginnings of recorded history. However, shortly after the formal establishment of the Foundation, this activity increased sharply, and early statistical models suggested a coordinated actor behind a significant amount of documented anomalies. The presence of an agent causing this phenomena was confirmed in 1957. Communication was received from SCP-106 by the Foundation in early 1976, demonstrating that SCP-106 possessed sapience and intelligence that was sufficiently analogous to humans to enable a meaningful transfer of information. The records of this communication are limited to Level 5 clearance at this time.

Upon receiving the communication from SCP-106, Project Cheggers Plays Pop (later known as SCP-1978) was initiated. This project is believed to have interfered significantly with SCP-106's ability to locate and perceive humanity and Earth during its lifetime, accounting for a sharp decline in the rate of new anomalous phenomena and fewer anomalies of a high-impact nature.

With the cessation of SCP- 1978, SCP-106 has succeeded in locating and properly identifying the population of Earth, and resumed its direct influence over anomalous activity on Earth and local environs as of 2007. This has taken the form of newly documented anomalies, as well as the spontaneous disappearance and reappearance outside of Foundation custody of previously contained phenomena, in new iterations that have been altered to apparently cause greater amounts of difficulty in containment and heightened psychological impact upon Foundation personnel and civilians. A developing listing of altered phenomena with existing SCP designations is attached to this file.

The precise nature of SCP-106 itself is unknown at this time. Available sources of information suggest that SCP-106 is alive, occupies a plane of existence either similar or identical to that observable by humanity, displays a form of intelligence organically similar to that of humans or adapted to be such, and possesses an intimate understanding of human psychology.

The purpose behind SCP-106's manipulation of local reality is not discernible with current information. No means are now known of interfering directly with SCP-106.

Last recorded sentence: "You thought Will Smith was in bloody Grease? I'm gonna bash yer skull lad!" - July 7th, 2022