Needs a family guy crossover.

If Duffy has a million haters, then I'm one of them.
If Duffy has ten haters, then I'm one of them.
If Duffy has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE.
If Duffy has no haters, that means I'm dead.

You can't say "its fun but it reminds me of my ex so it makes me feel weird and lonely whenever I play" without saying "fun".

Sometimes I stream Funky Fish with myself.
Just to hear what a real one gotta say.

Yeah yeah Tekken's King is cool and all but does he have a chaingrab out of oki with no breaks? Don't think so.

Ta mais pra Espcaralha mas voces covardes nao estao prontos pra essa conversa...

You can't write heterokaryon without k.
Think about it.

Top Spin required you to use motion controls on the Wii, so that you could regret your decision of not playing Virtua Tennis which was much better, whilst getting tired af.

The wardens look like british mosquitoes and no, I can't elaborate you just gotta feel it.

Kidney failure bullet patterns.

I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the unique notification system added, like don't get me wrong, getting money for free is cool and all the real kicker is seeing a notification that reads "Mali began producing Silksong, you'll receive 80 gold per turn until finished".

Its on the same level as gifting your friends cheap hentai games as a joke, but its not as funny when you get the notification so it just exists I guess...